It's curious that an XMLHttpRequest is required to load a CSS file?!

Grepping the 2.2 release, I see it's loaded relatively:

$ grep -r style-myit.css *
myitapp/index.html:     <link rel="stylesheet"
href="../tenant-custom-res/style-myit.css" />
myitapp-full/index.html:        <link rel="stylesheet"
href="../tenant-custom-res/style-myit.css" />

No issue there. However in 2.6, which I've just downloaded:

                /* Customer branding */
                function loadCustomerBrandingStyles() {
                        var href =

                        var stylesPromise = $q.when($.ajax({
                                url: href,
                                cache: false,
                                dataType: 'text',
                                success: function () {
                                        // Load new tenant related
                                        $('<link rel="stylesheet"
                                        type="text/css" href="' + href +
                                        '" />')
                        })).catch(function () {
                                return $q.when(true);

                        return stylesPromise;

(Using both Angular and JQuery - sigh)

But that can't be the problem as you're reporting
tenant-custom-res/X/style-myit.css where X looks like an Entry ID.

Do you have something similar if you grep your JS files?


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