Thanks for the info LJ!


From: ARSList [] On Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 14:45
To: ARSList
Subject: Re: 9.1.x Notify Action Delivery Mechanism

Yes....various versions of Remedy have had permissions issues over the years 
and each successive version of Remedy tries to plug holes that the previous 
version, in your situation, sending to an email address instead of a 
user, you must make sure that the permission 'trail' is is the 
trail you must make sure is available to the 'Public' group

Application - If the form in question is part of an application, you must make 
sure that the public has access to it
Form - The form must have public permission
Record - Each record has row level restrictions, so you must allow all users 
access to the row in question
Field - To access the data, the user must obviously have access to it

I saw the post from Todd regarding ignoring form permissions....but I'm not 
sure I personally like that option....simply stated, if you are sending 
information out of a Remedy system to an 'unknown' user, then that unknown user 
should have access to all of that data to be able to get at it....if you don't 
have Public permission at the Application/Form/Record/Field levels, then the 
unknown user doesn't have access to the data, and shouldn't be able to get 
access to it through email....

I know that's a tough stance, but that's the stance that Remedy must make to 
ensure that truly sensitive information isn't accidentally leaked.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Mike Galat 
<<>> wrote:
Hi RJ –

First, this all worked in 8.1.02.  We are also going against custom forms, and 
the fields that we are using in the notifications typically have a permission 
of “Public:View”.

As far as sending to email addresses, the email addresses may or may not be 
defined to the User form.  We have our own custom people form which contains 
our profiles.  In that form is the email address.  If we are sending to a 
requester, that person is likely not a Remedy login user (read no User form 
record, etc.)  According to the BMC 9.1 documentation, this should be 
supported.  See:

User notification method email:
Email — The notification is sent to the specified recipients by email. You can 
identify BMC Remedy AR System server recipients by their BMC Remedy AR System 
user or group names, [or enter email addresses to notify any recipient inside 
or outside of BMC Remedy AR System server].


From: ARSList 
[<>] On 
Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:39
To: ARSList
Subject: Re: 9.1.x Notify Action Delivery Mechanism

Who is the recipient of the notification, is it a user name (value in login id 
field), or is it an email address?  If it's an email address, are there more 
than one users in the system with that email address.  If there are, if you 
send it to an email of a user with only one user account associated....does 
that user have permissions to the fields in question?

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 10:30 AM, Mike Galat 
<<>> wrote:
Hi –

We are currently working toward upgrading from AR System 8.1.02 to 9.1.03/(or 
9.1.04).  Currently our lab server is running 9.1.03.  We are running into an 
issue with the Notify action in Filters.

The Notify Delivery Mechanism allows a few values:

1: Alert
2: Email
3: User Profile Default
99: Cross-Reference

For cross reference, you can then pass an integer value to define the delivery 
mechanism at runtime:

0: No delivery
1: Alert
2: Email
3: User Profile Default

By running some filter logging we have narrowed down the types of delivery 
mechanisms that succeed/fail.  It has been our experience with 9.1 that using:

•         User Profile Default (3) or Cross-Reference, with User Profile 
Default (99/dynamic 3) SUCCEEDS.

•         Email (2) or Cross-Reference, with Email  (99/dynamic 2) works FAILS.

What I mean by succeeds or fails is this:

When it succeeds, the email goes out, and all variables in the subject and text 
get expanded.  So suppose I send a notification for a ticket being opened User 
Profile Default, and the subject has
$Ticket #$ has been opened at $Create Date/Time$
The email’s subject will contain:
“PT-123456 - has been opened at - 1/1/2018 09:04:36 AM”

When it fails, the email goes out, and all variables in the subject and text DO 
NOT get expanded.  So suppose I send the same notification for a ticket being 
opened, using Email delivery mechanism, and the subject has
$Ticket #$ has been opened at $Create Date/Time$
The email’s subject will contain:
“  - has been opened at -  “

Has anyone else experienced this behavior.  If so, were you able to fix it, and 
how?  Note: changing the notify mechanism is not an option, as we use email in 
many filters.  All of this works just fine for us in Remedy 8.1.02


Mike Galat

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