Hi all. 
ARSystem 9.1.04
Windows Server 2012
MS SQL Server 2014
Mid-Tier 9.1.04

I have an existing custom form. 
The form has an existing character field.
I created a new character menu for the field and added it. The selection drop 
down for the menu is 1.5 times the size of all the other menu selection drop 
I removed the menu, flushed cache in MT, verified that it was gone. Re-added 
the menu, flushed cache and it's back at the same 1.5 size.
For fun I added an existing menu to the same existing field. Same result.
I added the new menu to an different existing field. Same result.
I added an existing menu to a different field, same result.
Repeated the 3 steps above on a different form. Same result. 
Flushed cache for each experiment each time.

Anybody else seen something like this?


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