Hi folks,
I'm hoping one of you will be able to assist me with what I'm trying to 
My goal is to have Remedy send a notification message to the Service Desk 
whenever our e-mail service stops running. I'm working on an escalation where 
the Primary Form is "AR System Email Messages". My problem is with the Run If 
Qualification. Here's what I've got so far:

Run If Qualification
('Send Message' = "Yes") AND (($TIMESTAM$ - 'Create Date') > 300)

What I wanted to do was to add a condition to have the escalation only check 
the last record on the form, in order to prevent multiple messages being sent. 
From my research I found some hits indicating I could use something like " 
('Email ID' = "MAX ('Email ID'))", but this isn't working when I try to add it 
to the qualification.

I'm using Developer Studio Version 9.1.03 with Remedy AR System 9.1.

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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