Can you send me over a recent copy Misi


From: ARSList <> on behalf of Misi Mladoniczky 
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 8:57:05 AM
To: ARSList
Subject: Re: ARSystem in HTML.


I presume you are talking about ARInside.

I know that LJ contributed to the project, and might know the correct 
GIT-repository as the website seems to be down...

I have a recent copy if you need that.

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)

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March 4, 2019 2:51 PM, "Kevin Candelaria" 
<<mailto:%22Kevin%20Candelaria%22%20<>>> wrote:

Good morning AR List.

I had a tool a while back that would generate HTML of my AR System, all the 
filters, escalations, activelinks and where they lead to in a nice website.

Anyone have an idea of the name of this tool. It was free.
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