Hi everyone,

Upgraded to ARS v7.0.1P2 last Wednesday.  Went remarkably well, although we
didn't attempt to do Approval, Assignment or Flashboards at this time.  We
did do the mail engine which we haven't done anything with.

Since we upgraded near two times a day (except Sat/Sun) the threads to the
database increase from a normal 7 to 15 within a 5 min period (likely less)
and we reach a point where we get error 94 database timeout errors.  We
restart the AR Server services and everything goes back to normal.

I do have an open support ticket and we really don't want to go there.

So I'm trying to figure out what could be causing it.  We did develop 343
errors after the install and I've been trying to fix them (filter action
count errors).  Of course everything is not going as described in the KB
that was provided.

One thing I've found interesting is that on Thur, Fri and Mon this phenomena
occurred between 3:30-4:00 pm.  So I've looked through the sql logs looking
for clues.  No errors in the arerror.log before the timeout occurs.  There's
been about the same number of users on each time, but that same number has
been basically been working all day.  It's not like it is a slow build up,
say a new thread added every 5 minutes, its like zoom they're added.  It is
only LIST threads, the FAST threads remain steady with no increase.  There's
no unusual queries going on from what I could see in the sql logs.

No changes were made to the application, its HD V5.0 customized about 85%.

I'm told there's no errors in the Oracle 10g logs.  We did the upgrade from
9 to 10 last Wednesday also.  Although I don't know where to look its
probably something I should poke around in.

It almost seems to me like something happens to the connection to the
database which is on a SAN.  But I don't know how to show that.

Of course, everyone points to Remedy.  What I find odd is that a restart of
services takes everything immediately back to normal.

I've seen in the arerror.log occasional thread drops but they appear to be
directly related to the 343 errors and are at different times, not even near
the db timeout occurrences.

So if anyone has seen anything like this or has another perspective I'm not
looking at, I'd appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

Susan Palmer

ARS 7.0.1P2
Oracle 10g
Windows 2003

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