My assumption is that you are running mid-tier and RKM on the same
Tomcat instance.  I have had much better luck running them on their own
instances of Tomcat - mid-tier installs 5.5.17 and RKM installs 5.5.20
when you tell them to install their own bundled copy.  The primary
reason I did this was to prevent RKM / Hummingbird errors from
restarting the Tomcat instance that mid-tier depended upon, triggering a
new prefetch.  Then you would be able to set a redirect for the mid-tier
Tomcat and it would not affect the RKM Tomcat.  For the pre-production
lash up I went even farther, moving RKM to its own box with AIE; there
is still a second Tomcat instance on the mid-tier box, but that is for
the Kinetic Request web.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Remedy Database Administrator
University of North Texas Computing Center 


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Watson, Benjamin A.
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 2:18 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Help with redirection which does not break RKM




        I've identified that performing a redirection in Tomcat breaks a
specific Remedy Knowledge Management function.  We have a requirement to
allow an end user to enter the following:


        https://<servername> as a URL and be redirected to
https://<servername>/arsys/home.  This is more or less a convenience
requirement.  I've done this under IIS before with no issues.


        We've since moved to MidTier 7.1 under Tomcat standalone and
I've performed the above by modifying index.html under
Tomcat\webapps\ROOT as follows:




        <meta http-equiv="refresh"






        This too has the desired result as the end user can simply enter
https://<servername> and get to the Remedy login page without issue.
The issue by doing this is that it breaks RKM's ability to embed images
or attach files to documents.


        I used the Fiddler application to trace what was going on after
setting Tomcat back to regular non-SSL HTTP and saw HTTP 302 errors
being thrown when attempting to perform the attachment or image
insertion functions.  HTTP 302 means that the server is redirecting the
user somewhere else to get the content.  From an end user's perspective,
all is well until they attempt to attach a file or insert an image.
Upon performing either of these functions, they simply don't work.  When
attempting to attach a file, "nothing happens".  When attempting to
insert an image, a "red X" is displayed.  This is something you might
encounter on a site with a broken URL to an image.


        After getting nowhere with BMC support on this, some Google'ing
revealed the following:


        "If myapp is a directory (not a web application), Tomcat will
send a
        302 Error to redirect your browser to
        http://localhost:8080/myapp/index.jsp. This is completely
        to the user, so everything looks fine. The problem really occurs
        your JSP handles username/password authentication i.e.
        http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/myapp What happens is
        Tomcat will send a 302 to redirect the browser to
        http://localhost:8080/myapp/index.jsp ... which the browser
        delightfully does, but upon redirection, the browser doesn't
        the "username:password" portion with the new URL (possibly due
        security issues). So if your index.jsp is handling the
        protocol, the browser will pop up a diaglog prompting the user
        username/password instead of just logging in as it should."


        So, when the user attempts to embed an image or add an
attachment to an RKM article, their credentials are being stripped and
you can see references to an AccessDenied servlet in the Tomcat logs.
Therefore, the attempt to attach a file or insert an image silently
fails.  My question is this:


        Is there a method to perform the desired redirection that won't
effect RKM in the manner described above?  I've resorted to abandoning
the redirection and, after clearing the cache and restarting Tomcat, the
issue goes away.  When reinstating the redirection method above, the
issue returns.


        Any ideas?




        __20060125_______________________This posting was submitted with
HTML in it___ 

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