For those of you who have yet to attempt an install of SLM v7.1...
Please read....

REF: v7.1.SLM-Installation Guide.2007.Nov.12.PDF-70078.pdf,  Page 35
" and optionally select the Disable Escalations option"

--> It will produce errors during the install process if you disable
--> This is a known bug: 285865 - "The doc bug on disabling
escalations and then running the install."
--> These errors will not be visible to the user of the (GUI) SLM v7.1
installer. ( You have to go find them in the <slm_install_dir>/Logs/*
files.)  ( I opened this bug  for that part 285870- Installer showing
100% complete when the installation had errors.)

( Just yet another install doc error for you to be aware of. Maybe
someone could actually fix the docs before the next customer gets the
same bad information and falls into the same hole?)

The suggestion that I received from Tech Support was to either:

A) [preferred] Role back your DB/OS to a backup and start over.
B) [should work too] Run the installer in "overwrite" mode
   --> Note that this option ("by design") does not produce the
<slm_install_dir>/Logs/* files. ( I find that very hard to believe.
But that is what I was told. Maybe I did not get the whole memo on
that part?)

Sigh. Just thought someone out there might benefit from this
information before you do an SLM v7.1 install.


Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
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