
I doubt that the "Global field" idea is where the hang up is. I would
guess that it is more likely a 'Date' only or 'Time' only, or some
other data type before it is a field ID range that is an issue.

But in fairness... "some pretty bizarre behavior" is hard to
understand too. Can you be any more specific?

Since you said v4 api... I am guessing C API? ( Maybe ARS Perl?)

You also said.. "workflow in question is in a filter" ... uh.. you
mean a run process called from a filter?

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 9:01 PM, L G Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>  I think I have an API version incompatibility. Can someone
>  confirm that ARS version 5 was when Global fields were
>  first introduced? I have check the various documentation
>  sets and the version 5 set is the first mention of Global
>  fields that I could find. In version 4, the 1000000-2000000
>  field id range is described as "Reserved".
>  As a followup, I am wondering if anyone can speculate on
>  what might happen if a version 4 API based client attempted
>  to access a global field defined under a version 5 API
>  system. We are seeing some pretty bizarre behavior and I
>  am trying to convince myself that the API mismatch is at
>  fault. The workflow in question is in a filter, if that
>  matters.
>  Thanks.
>  Larry
>  -----------------------------------------------------------
>  L. G. Robinson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Office of Information Technology
>  Remedy Services
>  NC State University                      919-515-5432 Voice
>  Raleigh, NC  27695-7109                  919-513-1893 FAX
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