Vital Stats:
AR Server 7.1 patch 001 for Solaris
IM 7.03
SLM 7.1
We have a small custom integrations.  Some filters fire on the AR System
Email Messages and push data to a staging form.  This form then formats
the data and uses the HPD:IncidentInterface_Create to create the
This all works well.  It's simple, fast and reliable.  However, now
we've added SLM in the mix.  When the Incident is created the Service
Targets attach to the Incident correctly but for some reason the SLM
Status field never gets updated.  It is stuck at "No Service Target
Is there something special you have to do to get the SLM module to work
correctly when using HPD:IncidentInterface_Create?  I haven't found any
documentation dealing with this...
William Rentfrow, Principal Consultant
C 701-306-6157
O 952-432-0227

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