Title: 7.5 download problems?
** does anybody have the compatibility Matrix of this product?
I couldn't find it at http://www.bmc.com/support/hou_Support_ProdVersion/0,3648,19097_19695_158340_0,00.html
Thanks in advance

Ian Trimnell wrote:
** Barber, David wrote:

Has anyone else successfully downloaded the full 7.5 server/suite yet?

Both a colleague and I have downloaded 7.5, only to find a corrupt .zip archive .....




I was able to download the zip files for 7.5 - although at 738 MB it is quite a big download.  I have even managed to install it successfully first time (although being a beta tester meant I could zip through all the configuration screens without thinking too hard about the questions!)



Ian Trimnell, AR System Lead Developer (amongst other jobs),
Specialist Support & Information Team, Academic & Administrative Computing Service
Open University, MILTON KEYNES, UK
Phone: 01908 653741   web: http://www.open.ac.uk/
The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).
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