I know the following is not something that can't be done.
Just would like to know what are some of the best practices people are using
for notifications
in custom built applications ( not ITSM)  with little to none admin code
changes for future maintainance.

Currently we have several Notify filters spread across several forms in our
custom built apps,
Some are having hard coded groups,user names and some are data driven to
that particular form/app.
We would like to streamline this and make it generic as much as possible
with mostly data driven.

Anyone implemented notifications that covers  all the apps?
Something  like triggering notifications from external form (not part of
apps) as a blackbox with
  Subject , To , body , subscribing/removing users or groups are data
End users can create new notifications them self, with their own To,Subject,
Body  without remedy code changes.


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