You can use SQL to validate, or a regular expression looping through all the 
possible characters in the value.

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:49:55 -0400
Subject: 'ISNUMBER' function?
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG




I wish Remedy provide some kind of function like ‘ISNUMBER’


I have a character field ‘Serial Number’,  I
want to know If the value of this field is a character value or number value. If
it is all digit, I need to convert it to integer then apply some workflows based
on the data range..


I created an integer field  ‘Int_temp’ and
assign ‘Serial Number’ to this integer field  ‘Int_temp’
= $Serial Number$; Below are the result I got


Serial Number                  Int_temp

67A908675                          67

A6789A00006                     0                              

0000067859                         67859


If the result is 0, I know the Serial number  must be a
character value.  But for Serial number 67A908675, the result is 67, even
the serial number is a character value with the value of 67A908675 .  So, is
there any easy way to find out if a Character field is number or not?






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