Hi Drew,

Sorry for the delay.  DId you get this resolve?

The fact that AL logging shows the value indicates that even if field 101
doesn't exist to get the data from that piece of code isn't having an issue
(at least finding the value).

Do you have a duplicate User form or another form with Field ID 101?  That
*may* still allow to login without having 101 on the user form if there is a
duplicate user form with your account info (although that is a pretty core
field on a pretty core form, I think you would see other issues).

If you have access to the DB you can use the SQL below to see if you have
other forms with field 101.

SELECT fld.fieldName, fld.schemaId, fld.datatype, ars.name, ars.schematype
FROM field fld
JOIN arschema ars ON (fld.schemaId = ars.schemaId)
WHERE fieldId = 101

Here is the return from 7.5 ARS with Help Desk 6.

fieldName             schemaId    datatype
name                                            schematype

--------------------- ----------- -----------
----------------------------------- -----------------------------   ----

Login Name            17             4
User                                            1

Login name            297            4
SHRCFG:OuterJoinPeopleUser          2

User Name             1191          4               User Password
Change                    4

User Name             1202          4              AR System User
Application Actor     1

(4 row(s) affected)

Here is the return from 7.5 ARS with ITSM 7.6.

fieldName                  schemaId    datatype
name                                    schematype

-------------------------- ----------- --------
--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Login Name                 102         4
User                                                   1

User Name                  103         4           User Password
Change                       4

User Name                  123         4           AR System User
Application Actor       1

(3 row(s) affected)


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Drew Shuller <drew.shul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> Jason, I don't think so. My log is looking like it should. I get the field
> name, then the id in () and then the value.
> I asked Developer Studio to analyze my form, it came back with a couple of
> lines saying that the Reference Fields Do Not Exist, talking about Field ID
> 101. This is the User form, which is the form that I'm using to get the
> value from. So Field ID 101 doesn't exist, but I'm able to log into the
> system using my user name that is in Field ID 101? This doens't make sense.
> An odd thing that I did learn - without thinking, I imported the User form
> instead of making changes to the existing one and importing User data. Now I
> have three views of the user form. One is the one I imported, another is a
> web view of that, and the other one is the User form that was already there,
> that we all recognize from the server admin tools in the user tool. So I
> exported two of those views off and deleted them so only the one that you
> see in the server admin app is left. This didn't help...still not seeing the
> results of any workflow.
> Drew
> Comayagua, Honduras
> _attend WWRUG11 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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