
you need 2 filter; the first executing a Set field action looking for 
'Corporate ID' in People and writing a values in same other field about person  
(es. filed 'Name')with option "If no request match ---> Set fileds to $NULL$"
The next Filter run if the field 'Name' is $NULL$ and set values for 'Generic 


Luisa Carena
Gestione Postazioni Periferiche e Asset
Gruppo Banco Popolare
via Negroni 12 - 28100 Novara
Tel: 0321-663995
Email: luisaclotilde.car...@sgsbp.it
"team.rem...@libero.it" <team.rem...@libero.it> - 09/06/2011 15.34
Inviato da: "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 
Per favore, rispondere a
Per:        arslist@ARSLIST.ORG


I crated a web service trought IncidentInterfaceCreate to create an incident
in Help Desk. It work and i send a field custom 'Corporate ID' and a custom
filtre find the people with Corporate ID.

I would like that when the 'Corporate ID' sending to the web service is not
present in the People then a filter (or other ...) get a default 'Corporate ID'
for a person 'Generic'.

Seems a easy think, but i don't find the solution.

ARS Remedy 7.1
Service Desk 7.0



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