Thanks Shawan

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:26:08 -0500
Subject: Re: SRM Data Visualization Module
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

Here is a list of what we worked with and the locations we discovered so far.  
I'll update if we discover any other components.
  Data Visualization Definition form within Remedy

SRMSServiceRequestBrowser:resources/css/list-services.css - Modifying this file 
allowed us to change the length of the Title fields and to allow the Title 
field to wrap in order to display additional information.  Other changes can be 
made here as well; however, we have not tested them all.
SRMSServiceRequestBrowser:resources/css/browse-categories.css.  I believe this 
one controls the categories list of services.  (We have not tested yet)
SRMSServiceRequestBrowser:resources/css/browse-services.css  I believe this 
controls the initial page of services. (We have not tested yet)
SRM Tile entries also exist here (SRM-Tile-small-online.gif, SRM-Tile-small.gif 
and SRM-Tile-large-gif.  We were trying to change the 
SRM-Tile-small-online.gif; however, updating the entry here had no impact)
 Data Visualization Module form in Remedy

SRMServiceRequestBrowser - This is the module called up for SRM.  The Module 
code is located in the SRMServiceRequestBrowser.jar file which is attached to 
the module entry.  We tried updating the SRM-Tile-small-online.gif here as well 
since we had discovered another copy of it here.  Making this change had no 
impact.  We are still looking into how changing this .jar can impact the SRM 
AR System Resource Definitions form in Remedy

Entries with name AG2A0720524153_FYRTAdeHrJAJrwTx, 
AG2A0720524153_FYRTAdeHrJAJrwT and AG2A0720524153dFYRTAZ8_pJAzrsT.  These 
entries also contain attachments for the SRM .gif files (SRM-tile-large.gif, 
SRM-tile-small.gif and SRM-tile-small-online.gif).  Changing the .gif here did 
finally the presentation of the SRM module.
We have not confirmed yet if only the entry in the AR System Resource 
Definitions form needs to be updated for the .gif display to change or if you 
need to make the changes in the other locations as well.  When we made the 
change in the AR System Resource Definitions entry, the other locations had 
already been changed as well.  Once we have more time we will try to test this 
I hope that helps, feel free to ask any questions.  We are working our way 
through this as well and plan on making some more changes to the SRM look and 
feel in the future.

Shawn Rosenberry
Senior Remedy Developer

Hi Shawn,
Can you provide more detail for this change 
Like whatis the gif file name what was the change. Only Gif was changed or CSS 
or Jar was also changed 
We are also having same issue and wanted to change the display of SRM 
Thanks & Regards
Ravi Rai

Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:12:48 -0500
Subject: Re: SRM Data Visualization Module
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG


Hey Everyone, 
Just an FYI in case anyone ever wants to update the SRM services tile.  We 
found the .gif file in the Data Visualization Definition form and within the 
SRMSServiceRequestBrowser.jar file, however, modifying those files had no 
effect.  Always a believer in giving credit where credit is due, one of our 
developers Rammohan Dosila found that another copy of the .gif is located 
within the AR System Resource Definitions form.  Once that copy was updated and 
the Mid-Tier cache cleared, the desired change was now reflected within SRM.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Carl Wilson <> wrote:


unfortunately the main  part is defined in the compiled jar file.
You do have some control over the HTML Definitions with respect to what is 
displayed and can play with these somewhat.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Shawn Rosenberry
Sent: 24 July 2012 18:01
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: SRM Data Visualization Module

Hi List,


We are currently in the process of moving to 7.6.4 and with it we have a new 
look and feel for SRM.  Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan of the new look 
especially with how the Title and Description of our Services is being cut off. 
 So far I have been unable to find much in the way for documentation on how to 
modify this look.  I have found the Jar file within the Data Visualization 
Module form and have found what I believe to be a data limitation within 
browse-services.js.  In particular the section below

""""function truncateDescriptions() {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
if (divs && divs.length > 0) {
for (var d=0; d<divs.length; d++) {
if (divs[d].className == "categoryDescription") {
var desc = divs[d].innerHTML;
var trunc = truncateByBytesUTF8(desc, 240);
if (trunc.length < desc.length) {
divs[d].innerHTML = trunc + "&#133;";""""


Also, I have seen the Data Visualization Definitions form and the .CSS and gif 
files for the SRM module.  We have tweaked those files a bit and have 
lengthened the Title return and the length of the Description as well though I 
believe the actual data return of the description is limited by the JS above.  
Also, we have yet to discover where to modify the boxes to enlarge them to fit 
the longer return fields.  We tried modifying the size of the .gif; however, 
that did not seem to work.  My questions are this:


Does anyone know of any documentation that would assist us in making changes to 
the SRM DVM?
Does anyone know if modifying the .js statement above would increase the amount 
of data we were returning for the Description of the services?
Does anyone know how to modify the box size?  I'm thinking there is something 
in the .CSS that we have missed.


I appreciate your time and any suggestions anyone has.





Shawn Rosenberry

Senior Remedy Developer

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