
Well, this particular code might very well work across databases.

The other main concern with Direct SQL is that it is untraceable by the AR
System. The AR System does not understand what you are doing, and you can
not use AR tools to trace and analyze it in the same way as other

Then we have the issue of going straight at the T-tables, and other things
related to datatype-conversion for timestamps, enum-values

You will also be bypassing permissions.

I am convinced that using the ARAPI and the provided AR-workflow-actions
is worth some effort in lieu of direct SQL. Even if it would mean some
small performance hit.

In this specific case, it much depends on the nomber of records in the table.

        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (ARSList MVP 2011)

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>> It might be faster, but it is direct SQL and may not work on any
>> database...
>> > select count(*) from HPD_Help_Desk
> Does Remedy support a database where the above ANSI SQL won't work?
> I suppose if ARS implements view names for their tables differently in
> another database, it would not be "HPD_Help_Desk", but does anyone know of
> which database that would be? Just curious because the above works on
> Oracle and SQL Server.
> Dale Hurtt
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