
We also had some problems with FTS on 7.6.04 sp2 and on Windows environment.
At a time, search wasn't working anymore (for example in MFS) and you had a plugin error (can't remember the arerror).
I left the project before BMC support found a solution but I gave the admins a script that killed the FTS plugin (java process) and armonitor relaunched it immediately (less than 2 seconds) and search worked again right away.
Not perfect but it's a way to fast resolve this problem. Perhaps it should be linked to a "live" log analysis (?).

Anyway, the thing is that FTS is a Java process, the way I identify it is via the command line where you can find "pluginsvr/fts" (or something like that), you know it's that java process.
Then the script killed it and let armonitor do his job.

Here is the script, it's in powershell for Windows but perhaps it'll give you a hint for your environment if it's not windows (or a kill should do the trick at least for testing):
#Killing FTS plugin 0.1
#This script will detect and kill FTS plugin (will be launched again 
#automatically by armonitor service).
#0.1, 31/01/2012:
#First version
#Powershell Script
#Distant script needs to be allowed
#Launch powershell as administrator and type
#Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

##Log file path
$Log_File ="C:\tmp\log.log"

#Don't change anything below
##Log function
function Log_Me([string]$level,[string]$msg)
#Out-File -filepath $Log_File -append -inputObject $a
"$(Get-Date):: $($level) :: $($msg)" | Out-File -filepath $Log_File -append

###FTS plugin handle
$p=Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name like '%java%' AND CommandLine like '%\\pluginsvr\\fts;%'" | select-Object Handle
###Testing query result
if($p -eq $null)
Log_Me "WARNING" "No plugin detected..."


###Test if only one plugin detected
if ($nb_found -eq 1)
Log_Me "OK" "Stopping FTS plugin handle $($my_handle)."
Stop-Process -Id $my_handle -Force
Log_Me "OK" "Plugin FTS handle $($my_handle) stopped."
Log_Me "ERROR" "Several plugins detected..."



On 04 Feb, 2013,at 08:28 PM, William Rentfrow <wrentf...@stratacominc.com> wrote:

I've spent a LOT of time on this with BMC support and I wanted to know if anyone else had similar problems and how they fixed it.


Essentially we can not get FTS to remain stable.  It will always eventually crash and need to be restarted, which essentially means restarting ARS since its' a plugin.


We have Suse linux servers in the server group that are VM's.  The mount points where the application is installed is pretty fast NAS (SAN? one of the two) and the index files live here as well.


BMC has told us - by way of Lucene, which is the underlying product - that the actual mechanism that writes to SAN/NAS drives is not good for the types of file operations which FTS does in order to do it's work.  Essentially we always end up with some form of file lock or read error.  In short, you have to have an actual physical drive hooked up the box to make this work.


That's NOT happening in our environment. 


Essentially there's a problem - BMC is saying they support VM's, but FTS can use virtual disks - and it's not really BMC's fault so much as the fault of the underlying engine.


Anyone else run into this?  Heck,  we are getting FTS errors at times when it's been turned OFF for weeks.


William Rentfrow


Office: 715-204-3061

Cell: 715-398-5056


_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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