
I have not used DATENUM)= to any greater extent, but if it works your idea is
not bad. Just put it in a display-only-field that you use for this purpose

The alternative would be to change the date format for your complete AR
Server, but that might affect other things. This can be done by setting the
ARDATE, ARTIME and ARTIMEONLY environment variables in armonitor.conf. This
would not affect your clients, only the server and any date/time <-> text
conversions that are made. For example the $Reported Date$ to a text in an
email notification.

        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (ARSList MVP 2011)

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> Hi All,
> Now we are trying to create a filter that executes the set function :
> DATENUM("dd", $Reported Date$) + "." + DATENUM("mm", $Reported Date$) + "." +
> YEAR("yyyy", $Reported Date$) + " " + HOUR($Reported Date$) + ":" + MINUTE
> ($Reported Date$) + ":" + SECOND($Reported Date$)
> do you think is a good idea ?
> Bye
> Pietro
>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: team.rem...@libero.it
>>Data: 12-nov-2013 13.07
>>A: <arslist@arslist.org>
>>Ogg: Change the date format in a notify filter.
>>Is it possible to change the date format in a notify filter ?
>>i.e. I need to translate a date from “11/12/2013 12:12:18 PM”
>> (mm/gg/yyyy)
> to
>>“12/11/2013 12:12:18”  (gg/mm/yyyy).
>>Can you help me ?
>>Thanks in advance.
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