In the recent "Friday Special" thread, there was some discussion about
object naming and the need for good naming conventions.

The naming convention I've developed for my own use over the years starts
with a structured portion (identifying the schema, triggering criteria,
execution order, etc), but allows for a brief description of the objects
purpose at the end.  This is very convenient, because the fact is that the
name is by far the best way to "document" the workflow in an easily
accessible and meaningful way (Help Text requires you to open the object
making it not very convenient).

As someone who exclusively does custom workflow (and a lot of custom
workflow), I very frequently bump up against the 80 character limit on the
names of objects (specifically AL's, filters, and guides).  And just as
frequently, I use one of a few tricks to disregard the limit and set the
name to be whatever it is I'd like it to be.

The fact is, the underlying data dictionary columns for these names support
values up to 254 characters in length (at least on Oracle & SQL Server).
 Also, the ARS server itself doesn't care if these name lengths exceed the
80 character limit (in that it won't throw an error if the name exceeds 80,
but as I've never tried to exceed the 254 column limit so I don't know what
it would do).  And the workflow works just fine...I've been doing this for

In fact, the *only *thing imposing that limit is the Dev Studio (and the
Admin tool before it).  With either, though, selecting multiple objects
then using the Edit->Rename mechanism is one way to expand the name beyond
the limit.  But this is an inconvenient and awkward way of doing it.

So why the limit?  Can anyone hazard a guess?  Or...Doug?

Does anyone else find this inconvenient?


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