Our company is staying fixed on 7.6.4, and does not plan  to upgrade any 
time soon.  Any idea when  AIE is being retired? I can  load the data through 
AIE, so is I assume there is a  way in AIE to build logic so that if the CI 
is no longer in SCCM during the last  scan, we can remove this CI's from the 
dataset in the CMDB.  Is this a  difficult task to do? 
The team has the Seamless Data Pump  and are going to replace it.  Through 
experience, the Remedy  Developer ends up working with the Seamless Pump to 
some degree  also for troubleshooting, log analysis, and resolving any 
technical  issues.  
I  would suggest using Atrium Integrator rather than AIE.  You didn’t 
mention  what version of ARS and ITSM you are on but since AIE is basically 
retired  you may want to go ahead and get familiar with AI.  I haven’t 
tried it  since 7.6.4 just came out, and it mostly worked then but I imagine it’
s  completely functional now. 
For  the record, we’re investigating the Seamless Data Pump (who I believe 
is owned  by someone else now.)  One of the main benefits to us is that it 
makes a  separation of duties easier.  If we used AI or AIE then not only do 
we (the  Remedy team) have to maintain the software, but also the mappings, 
the  normalization, etc.  With this, we have sort of neutral ground and they 
 provide basically normalization mapping spreadsheets so the users can do 
it  themselves for their Product data so they can do license  management. 
Shawn  Pierson  
Remedy  Developer | Energy Transfer 
From: Action Request  System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Koyb P.  Liabt
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:40 PM
To: _arslist@ARSLIST.ORG_ (mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG) 
Subject: Integration SCCM  and CMDB 
I am  trying to bring data from SCCM into the CMDB. Would it be better to 
use AIE, or  a script, write a program to bring the computer system, 
software, processor,  Network devices, etc...into the CMDB.   I do not want to 
any  third party tools like the Seamless Connector, so I was curious if any 
other  companies have come up with any good solutions that brings the data 
from SCCM  into the CMDB.   

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