Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Recently, we've been seeing plugin errors creeping into our environment.
They have now gotten to a point where the system can no longer function as

ARS 7.6.04 Patch 5

CMDB 7.6.05 Patch 5

Mid-Tier 7.6.04 Patch 5

Apache Tomcat 6.0.20

Windows 2008 Standard Server (virtual)

MS SQL 2008

We are seeing similar issues with different functionality on both our Dev
and Prod environments.


3 identical application servers and 3 identical Mid Tier servers (running
Apache Tomcat 6.0.20).

We see the following error when we try to create a "Seat" in our CMDB.

tli error - System error (connection refused)

If we attempt to open  the Impact Simulator, we see a similar error:
Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System Plug-In server :
[SERVER_GROUP_NAME] (9556) AIS.FILTERAPI : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error -
System error (Connection refused) (ARERR 8760)

We turned down 2 of the 3 app servers and did not receive the error.
However when we bring up the other 2, we continue to see them.


We see similar errors, but they come about differently.

Single app server and a single mid tier.

When we open the "AR System Administration: Server Information" form, we
see this error:

The specified plug-in does not exist. : REMEDY.ARDBC.SERVER.ADMINISTRATION
(ARERR 8755)


I've checked our ar.cfg files and armonitor files and they seem to be
pointing to all the right places.  I can't find anything that is specific
to this error in the kbase (although I've found things similar).  When I
run through the troubleshooting for these similar things, everything seems
to be OK.

We have turned on just about every type of logging we can thing of.  And
other than the Plug in does not exist error, we haven't found anything.

I suspect I have missed something.  I'm hoping this will ring a bell with
someone out there.

I did open a ticket with BMC.  They have escalated the issue to Engineering.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank you in Advance!


Warren R. Baltimore II
Remedy Developer

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