Hi Chuck,

due to some problems with the list server we got your introduction quite late...

But anyway - welcome to our team!

Chuck Player wrote:


I'm a web developer with a BFA in graphic design. I worked as an illustrator
for Paramount Parks after college (many years ago) and then shifted my
efforts over to developing custom business applications. I'm looking forward
to participating as much as I can with the OOo project! I'm strongest with
site layout and logo design. [...]

In the moment most of the urgent necessary work for OOo 2.0 seems to be done - we've got an official logo, some web buttons and banners, a CD cover, business cards and some other things.

Most of the new items haven't been uploaded to the galleries, but browsing Issuezilla for the subjects you'll probably be able to find them. The galleries will be updated as a next step.

If you want to, you may optimize one or another design, on the main marketing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) there was a question about a standard OOo letter template. I don't know if there is a need, but fell free to do something like that.

If you didn't read it by now, the art work style guide containing the main points to keep visual identity can be found attached to issue 54289 (it will be moved to the project pages)

Suggestions for improvement or clarification would be appreciated.

What we now start to do is to find possible designs for icons for version 3.0. Some of them are attached to issue 54755 (http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=54755), but in my personal opinion there is still some work to do...

Upgrading the logo for the new release will be another point (http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=54361)...

There are even more places where you may want to join our work - just have a look at the art work to-do-list http://marketing.openoffice.org/art/to-do-artwork.html, but some of them are almost finished. Please tell us, if you start working on a specific theme.

Once again: Heartily welcome!


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