Tidak ada pemilahan menurut etnik, agama, pokoknya warganegara punya hak
yang sama. Bisa ilhami RI, misalnya terkait pilpres! Vietnamese-born German
minister says appointment boosts minorities Europe News

Nov 1, 2009, 11:06 GMT
 Berlin - Germany's first Asian-born cabinet minister says his appointment
last week has been welcomed throughout Germany's immigrant community, the
newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported Sunday.

Philipp Roesler, 36, the new health minister, was born in Vietnam and
adopted by a German couple as a baby.

Roesler said a black German who met him just after his appointment told him,
'I think it's wonderful that one of us has become a minister.' Roesler
added, 'I was a bit puzzled at first. I'm yellow-skinned, not black.'

That was when Roesler realised that non-white Germans saw him as one of
them, and regarded his appointment as a good omen.

   Roesler said he knew very little about his actual birth, which was
officially recorded as taking place on February 24, 1973.

'It could have been the the 25th or the 27th for all I know, but the 25th is
definitely official because that's what the document says,' he said. 'I
suppose you could say I am a foundling.'

Roesler was entirely educated in Germany and initially entered the armed
forces where he qualified as an ophthalmologist.

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