English version below
1.  Konser piano Ananda Sukarlan hari Minggu 25 April di World Theatre, British 
International School nanti akan dilaksanakan pada pukul 7 (tujuh) malam atau 
pukul 19.00 , bukan pukul 4 yang diumumkan bulan lalu. Dengan ini kami ingin 
mengoreksi dan mengkonfirmasi waktu konser ini. Lokasi tsb adalah di Bintaro 
Sektor IX  (Pondok Aren)
2. Akan ada beberapa karya baru yang akan diperdanakan di konser ini, yaitu :
     - beberapa nomor dari buku "Alicia's Second Piano Book" (diterbitkan tahun 
     - beberapa nomor pendek untuk piano solo yang ditulis untuk anak-anak 
     - satu lagu "Darkness and my Lover", cuplikan dari puisi "The Sleepers" 
oleh Walt Whitman, akan dinyanyikan oleh Dani Dumadi yang juga akan membawakan 
lagu lainnya diiringi sang komponis sendiri yaitu : 
- I sit and Look Out (Walt Whitman)
- Dalam Sakit (Sapardi Djoko Damono)
- Berkicaulah Burungku (Eka Budianta)
- Pria yang (pergi) jauh (Sapardi Djoko Damono)
- Meninggalkan kandang (Eka Budianta) 
   Biografi singkat dari Dani Dumadi (hanya bhs Inggris) ada di bawah . 
3. Mohon reservasi tiket melalui sms (telpon kadang-kadang tidak masuk karena 
sudah mendekati hari H) ke Chendra di 0818 891038 atau email ke y...@yahoo.com 
. Juga ada info lebih lanjut di www.anandasukarlan.com . Sampai berjumpa hari 
Minggu 25 April jam 7 malam ! 
1. Ananda Sukarlan's piano concert on Sunday, April 25th at the World Theatre 
of the British International School will be held at 7 p.m or 19.00 hrs, not at 
4 p.m as announced last month through facebook. With this announcement we would 
like to rectify it and confirm it. The location is at Bintaro Sektor IX (Pondok 
2. There will be several new pieces receiving their world premieres in this 
concert. They are : 
   - some piano solo numbers from "Alicia's Second Piano Book" (due to be 
published next year) 
   - some numbers written for disabled children (commissioned by Fundacion 
Musica Abierta in Spain)
   - a song for tenor and piano "Darkness and my Lover" taken from Walt 
Whitman's poem "The Sleepers", sung by Dani Dumadi, who is also going to sing, 
accompanied by the composer himself, these songs : 

- I sit and Look Out (Walt Whitman)
- Dalam Sakit (Sapardi Djoko Damono)
- Berkicaulah Burungku (Eka Budianta)
- Pria yang (pergi) jauh (Sapardi Djoko Damono)
- Meninggalkan kandang (Eka Budianta) 
  A short biography of Dani Dumadi can be read below.
3. Please reserve the tickets through Chendra by sms (preferable to calling by 
phone, since we have only one line for reservation and sometimes it is blocked 
due to the many phone calls) to 0818 891038 or email y...@yahoo.com . And more 
info at www.anandasukarlan.com . Thank you and see you on the on Sunday the 
25th at 7 p.m ! 
Dani Dumadi, tenor 

Dani is an Indonesian singer who just came back from Washington D.C, United 
States. In this city, he took voice lessons intensively with an American tenor, 
Issachah Savage and recently gave a recital titled “East Meets West” with 
soprano Jennifer Weingartner and pianist Barbara Schelstrate at the Embassy of 
Indonesia. He played the role of ‘Frederic’ in Gilbert & Sullivan’s operetta 
“the Pirates of Penzance ” and ‘Strephon’ in “Iolanthe” produced in 2008 and 
2009 by the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop.

During his stay in Washington D.C. , Dani joined the Master Chorale of 
Washington , directed by Donald McCullough, where he performed several times 
with them and the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Centre. He was 
also a member of Sonus Cura (directed by Daniel Ozment), St. Gregory 
Choir-and-Schola (directed by David Lang), as well as regularly served as a 
cantor at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Silver Spring , Maryland 


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