Dear all,
   ....ok...I need an help!

I have an artemis v.7 working on a FedoraCore3 machine, perfectly integrated with the blast-2.2.15, so that the blast programs listed in the run menu are working fine using swissprot, nr, nt, and so on...

Now, I'm trying to work with artemis v.8 on a Ubuntu machine, but I didn't succed with its integration with blast-2.2.15 (note that the stand alone blast and the artemis itself are working!) On this machine I have copied the same configuration (blast, artemis, artemis/etc in my PATH and BLASTDB environment variable) but the run_ commands from the run menu are still not working....

Usually, for e.g., I get this error:

ERROR running blastx:

[blastall] ERROR: No argument given for database

I get the same error even if I run the run_ script from the terminal.

I also tried to specify the database location in the artemis/etc/option :

feature_dna_programs = \
   tblastx /usr/BioSW/blast-2.2.15/db \
   blastn /usr/BioSW/blast-2.2.15/db \
   blastx /usr/BioSW/blast-2.2.15/db \
   fastx %uniprot \
   clustalx DNA

but with no success again...

It's days I'm working on it......What's wrong?

Dr. Stefano Ghignone
Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante, Sez. Torino - CNR
c/o Dpt. Plant Biology, University of Turin
V.le P.A. Mattioli, 25
I-10125 Turin
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