Hi Rohit

The first error suggests a strange character in your cvterm table in the column is_relationshiptype. There appears to be a charcter (t?) when the mapping is expecting an integer. You should find that and change it to an integer.

The second exception looks like it has failed to find the sequences. To find the organisms with top level features with residues it runs this query which you can try :

SELECT DISTINCT ON( feature.organism_id )
 organism.organism_id AS organismId,
 abbreviation, genus, species, common_name AS commonName, comment
FROM feature
 join  organism using (organism_id)
 join cvterm on feature.type_id = cvterm.cvterm_id
WHERE residues notnull AND residues != ''
 AND (cvterm.name LIKE '%chromosome%' OR cvterm.name LIKE '%sequence%' OR
      cvterm.name IN ('supercontig', 'ultra_scaffold', 'golden_path_region', 

This assumes that the sequence features have type_id *chromosome*, *sequence*, supercontig, ultra_scaffold, golden_path_region or contig. If your sequence features do not belong to that list you can modify it in artemis_sqlmap/Feature.xml. Please let me know if you think something needs adding to this list.


On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, parimi rohit wrote:

Hi All,

I am following the wiki page that has the tutorial to integrate Artemis with 
Chado schema. I have
postgres as well as chado schema installed. I used Apollo to annotate data from 
one of the
databases that we created. Now, I am trying to use Artemis on the same data. 
However I am having
problems in running Artemis over the database. I started Artemis with the 
following command as
given in the wiki page:

$: ./art -Dchado="localhost:5432/rohit_chado_01?rohit" -Dibatis

I entered my credentials in the login window and the Database and File Manager 
window opened.
However I am able to view nothing in the Database part of the window even 
though there exist
many. Also double clicking the folder in the database window is giving an 
exception in the

I copied the terminal errors in a text file and I am attaching it in this mail. 
The attachment
contains error information for 2 different databases. Please let me know the 
problem and the way
to solve this so that it will work with the data that we have.


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