
We commonly use multi-sequence GBK and GFF files. We know Artemis doesn't
work with mult-GBK but it does work with GFF containing multiple source
sequences (typically contigs) in the ##FASTA section. However, we are
getting some GFF files that also have the translated protein sequences of
each CDS feature in the ##FASTA section (much like CDS in GBK have
/translation tags), like this:

*##gff-version 3*
contig1 CDS ID=prot1
contig2 CDS ID=prot2

However, Artemis just treats the proteins as crazy DNA sequences and
continues appending them to the list of source DNA sequences in the
annotation.  I'm pretty sure this is a valid GFF file (as /translation may
contain wierd AAs they aren't the original codon etc).

So how to handle it in Artemis?
Only display ##FASTA entries that have column1 IDs in the feature table?
Should I RTFM ?

Thanks for any help,

*--Dr Torsten Seemann
--Scientific Director : Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA*
*--Senior Researcher : VLSCI Life Sciences Computation Centre, Parkville,
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