It looks like your new installation is using an old $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data
folder from a previous 2.2.1 installation (/opt/artifactory-2.2.1).
This data folder also has a couple of missing binaries - that's why you are
getting index warnings in the log. The warnings should eventually go away if
you start artifactory with the fix-consistency flag (see: and
let the garbage-collector run twice (or run it manually from

For a completely new installation with clean data the best is to use a new

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Miguel Lanz <> wrote:

> I did a fresh installed, but can get artifactory to start. I appreciate
> your feed back and help on this. Here is the full trace of my logs after
> starting artifactory with a frech 2.3.1 installation. am I missing
> something?  Thank you everyone.
>                _   _  __           _
>     /\        | | (_)/ _|         | |
>    /  \   _ __| |_ _| |_ __ _  ___| |_ ___  _ __ _   _
>   / /\ \ | '__| __| |  _/ _` |/ __| __/ _ \| '__| | | |
>  / ____ \| |  | |_| | || (_| | (__| || (_) | |  | |_| |
> /_/    \_\_|   \__|_|_| \__,_|\___|\__\___/|_|   \__, |
>  Version: 2.3.1               Revision: 12714     __/ |
>                                                  |___/
>  Artifactory Home: '/opt/artifactory'
> 2011-02-08 09:58:05,635 [art-init] [INFO ]
> (o.a.s.SpringConfigResourceLoader:99) - artifactory.addons.disabled=[]
> 2011-02-08 09:58:06,106 [art-init] [INFO ]
> (o.a.s.ArtifactoryApplicationContext:456) - Refreshing
> org.artifactory.spring.ArtifactoryApplicationContext@741827d1: startup
> date [Tue Feb 08 09:58:06 MST 2011]; root of context hierarchy
> 2011-02-08 09:58:13,110 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.r.a.RequestAdvice:50) -
> Creating request advice interceptor
> 2011-02-08 09:58:18,919 [art-init] [WARN ] (o.a.j.c.u.RepositoryLock:134) -
> Existing lock file /opt/artifactory-2.2.1/data/.lock detected. Repository
> was not shut down properly.
> 2011-02-08 09:58:21,482 [art-init] [WARN ] (o.a.j.c.n.NodeTypeRegistry:762)
> - Removing existing invalid custom node type definition in
> custom_nodetypes.xml: [{}archive]
> primaryItemName is already specified by a supertype and must therefore not
> be overridden.
> 2011-02-08 09:58:22,497 [art-init] [INFO ]
> (o.a.j.j.ArtifactoryBaseDataStore:524) - Using JDBC driver Apache Derby
> Embedded JDBC Driver - (938214)
> 2011-02-08 09:58:24,557 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:397) -
> ###########################################################################
>  This is normal with a first-run of a new or upgraded installation or
>  when the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data/index folder no longer exists.
>  This one-time initialization may take some time, depending on the current
>  size of your repository.
> ###########################################################################
> 2011-02-08 09:58:39,376 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 2500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:58:46,400 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 5000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:58:57,288 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 7500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:05,620 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 10000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:10,828 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 12500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:16,018 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 15000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:21,113 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 17500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:22,522 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 20000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:24,118 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 22500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:31,038 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 25000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:39,483 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 27500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:41,538 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 30000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:44,433 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 32500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:46,891 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 35000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:55,397 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 37500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:57,566 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 40000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 09:59:59,936 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 42500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:02,904 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 45000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:10,819 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 47500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:17,065 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 50000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:24,024 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 52500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:30,045 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 55000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:32,551 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 57500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:35,696 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 60000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:37,571 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 62500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:00:49,955 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 65000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:01:09,453 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 67500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:01:34,840 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 70000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:02:19,504 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 72500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:03:06,443 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 75000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:03:35,767 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 77500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:04:05,602 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 80000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:04:11,713 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 82500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:04:43,338 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 85000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:04:50,066 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 87500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:04:54,006 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 90000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:08,304 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 92500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:13,151 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 95000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:14,579 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 97500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:17,386 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 100000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:18,959 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 102500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:20,831 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 105000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:22,182 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 107500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:24,000 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 110000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:27,011 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 112500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:31,158 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 115000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:32,907 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 117500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:34,213 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 120000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:35,784 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 122500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:38,152 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 125000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:39,847 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 127500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:42,226 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 130000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:43,233 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 132500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:44,523 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 135000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:46,945 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 137500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:49,972 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 140000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:51,450 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 142500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:53,350 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 145000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:54,750 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 147500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:56,433 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 150000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:57,525 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 152500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:05:59,081 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 155000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:00,726 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 157500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:02,254 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 160000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:03,507 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 162500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:04,833 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 165000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:07,188 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 167500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:08,339 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 170000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:10,080 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 172500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:12,992 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 175000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:14,937 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 177500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:16,495 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 180000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:20,189 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 182500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:22,881 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 185000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:25,721 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 187500 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:29,867 [art-init] [INFO ] (o.a.j.c.q.l.MultiIndex:1218) -
> 190000 nodes indexed...
> 2011-02-08 10:06:30,660 [jackrabbit-pool-2] [WARN ]
> (o.a.j.c.q.l.LazyTextExtractorField:180) - Failed to extract text from a
> binary property
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