Dear all,

I agree with Patrick. So, in the specific issue raised by Jacob, I vote for 
simply going back to the old behaviour. It is formally correct to get a clear 
sky result in a calculation without cloud box, so let’s trust the user that he 
knows what he is doing.

All the best,


> On 7. Jun 2017, at 17:21, Patrick Eriksson <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Jana and Jakob , hi all,
> Before commenting on this particular questions, I see a more general 
> discussion here. There are many similar issues. Shall we focus on catching 
> potential user mistakes/misunderstandings, or be less restrictive to simplify 
> batch/operational processing? For example, I discussed with Simon today how 
> OEM shall behave when an error occur during the iterations. (And I liked 
> Simon's solution, OEM does not throw an error but flags the problem by an 
> output argument. We must trust that the user checks that variable.) Hence, it 
> would be good to come up with a general strategy. The question is when and 
> how to discuss this?
> There will be a bit of ARTS planning next week when Simon and I are in 
> Hamburg. Don't know if we will get time to discuss also this, but maybe. So 
> you others that will not be in Hamburg, if you have any opinion in this 
> matter, send an email so we know about it, if we happen to reach this issue.
> Regarding the present issue I think it should be possible to use the same 
> set-up even if the cloudbox happen to end up to of zero size. If there should 
> be some kind of "robust flag" or not, can be discussed.
> This in line with my general view. We shall not be too restrictive in our 
> tests. Real errors SHALL be caught, but as long as things are formally 
> correct I think it is best to let things pass. In the end there could be a 
> good reason for doing things that way.
> Bye,
> Patrick
> On 2017-06-07 14:24, Jana Mendrok wrote:
>> Hi Jakob,
>> thanks for your feedback!
>> it was me who did that change. For the reason you also identified - that 
>> otherwise it easily goes unnoticed that actually no scattering has been 
>> done. This actually happened to me a few times. And considering that when 
>> calling the scattering solver, the user intends to actually perform a 
>> scattering calculation. I understand your issues, though.
>> Spontaneously, I don't see an option that satisfies both. Below a couple of 
>> options I can think of to deal with this issue (in the ps some option that 
>> you yourself could apply. without changes on the official code). Would 
>> appreciate feedback from other developers (and users), what you prefer, what 
>> is considered more important (my issues of course seem more important - to 
>> me. very subjective.). Or maybe you have better ideas how to solve that 
>> conflict.
>> so, code-wise we could (either):
>> - generally go back to the old behaviour.
>> - stay with the new behaviour.
>> - introduce a ("robust"?) option to allow the user to control the 
>> no-cloudbox behaviour.
>> - make cloudboxSetAutomatocally behave differently for clearsky cases 
>> (return a minimal cloudbox? and maybe let the user control which behaviour - 
>> minimal or no cloudbox - is applied?).
>> wishes,
>> Jana
>> ps. Some options, you yourself have, Jakob:
>> - you can of course locally remove the newly introduced error throwing and 
>> go back to the old behaviour in your own ARTS compilation.
>> - with the current version (no-cloudbox throws error) you could make a 
>> "cloudy" run (with empty results for the pure clearsky cases) and an 
>> explicit clearsky run and postprocess the results to whatever you need.
>> - you could use a manually set cloudbox (that can be better for some study 
>> setups anyways. ensures better comparability between different cases as then 
>> they equally affected by scattering solver errors (sphericity, vertical 
>> resolution, interpolation, etc.))
>> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Jakob Sd < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    recently there has been a change in the way DOIT and DISORT handle
>>    atmospheres where the cloud box is switched off (cloudbox_on = 0).
>>    Before, they just skipped the scattering calculation, threw a
>>    warning, and everything was ok, as the clear-sky calculations
>>    afterwards took care of it.
>>    But now, they throw a runtime error, which means that the
>>    calculation is stopped and the results will be empty for that
>>    atmosphere. I understand that this runtime error makes sense if
>>    someone wants to calculate with scattering but by mistake switches
>>    off the cloud box. But if someone has a batch of atmospheres from
>>    which some are clear sky atmospheres and uses
>>    cloudboxSetAutomatically, this can be quite uncomfortable, because
>>    all the clear sky atmospheres that were correctly calculated before,
>>    are now empty and the user has to manually select those atmospheres
>>    from his batch and calculate them using clear sky ARTS.
>>    Greetings from Hamburg,
>>    Jakob
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>> =====================================================================
>> Jana Mendrok, Ph.D. (Researcher)
>> Chalmers University of Technology
>> Department of Space, Earth and Environment
>> SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
>> Email: <>
>> Phone : +46 (0)31 772 1883
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