Hi all,

I would like to change so ARTSCAT-5 is the default format of lines when
reading from external files.  Internal files can keep the old formats.
That is HITRAN and LBLRTM reading will be of ARTSCAT-5 type.

The reason to make the change is that I often run into problems of lost
data because ARTSCAT-3 simply throws it away.  We cannot make individual
lines that require more data be stored as ARTSCAT-5 and keep the others in
the old format because ArrayOfLineRecord acts as a pseudo-class in

The negatives:  Will take more disk space and be slower to read/write.

The positives:  Saving an ARTS-variable does not throw away information
contained in the variable.

I think it is clear that the advantages are greater than the
disadvantages.  I was told before that the advantages were not greater than
the disadvantages.  Back then there were less users of features in
ARTSCAT-5 (basically only me), now there are more and complaints about this
feature has been raised to me by others.

Have the opinion of the developers changed so we can switch to ARTSCAT-5,
or do they remain the same?

With hope,
arts_dev.mi mailing list

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