Dear Alfred,

I'm glad to learn that the development version can handle the radar observation. But, I want to know what this MC module can simulate, the reflection coefficient of cloud or the thermodynamic radiation?

The MC module is called MCRadar.

I am not sure about what you mean with "thermodynamic radiation", but MCRadar is intended to mimic radar measurements, including multiple scattering, attenuation and antenna pattern. So I am assume it returns what you are looking for.

For more details contact: Adams, Ian <>

The module restricted to single scattering is called iyActiveSingleScat.

As I mentioned before, I ?0?2did some changes to the stable version 2.2.64, added a radar transmitter and got the simulated reflection coefficient data. However, there ?0?2is no benchmark result for me to verify the validity. If the development version can simulate reflection then I can compare those two results.

This was in fact my thinking, but not clearly expressed in my email. Why not start with light rain and compare to iyActiveSingleScat (as this method is very fast), and if all OK continue with MCRadar and cases with more strong scattering.

We have not made any extensive comparisons, but in the tests I have done iyActiveSingleScat and MCRadar agree as long multiple scattering can be ignored. It seems though that MCRadar has a bias just above the surface, but not critical as this is inside the clutter zone.


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