
we recently stumbled over ARTS' strict HITRAN catalogue naming requirements
(see m_abs.cc, l247-270).

first, these name requirements are not at all documented for the user
(asche auch auf mein haupt...). should probably be added.

furthermore, i think, this method at least needs an update (if not a more
flexible solution): H2016 is long out and it's tedious for a user to have
to rename that to 2012 to fit ARTS' requirements. Moreover, HITRAN is by
default not the all-in-one file anymore (so an updated method to digest
multiple HITRAN par files would be more user friendly) and is not named
HITRAN16 or HITRAN2016 by default anymore (which makes our name-checking
somewhat obsolete from H2016 on...).

i might manage to make the simple if-clause extension for 'HITRAN2016'
myself these days (just have the problem that my notebook basically died.
maybe i can borrow and master someones *hard coughing* mac book...).
however, the rest would need a bit more consideration, so I leave that to

best wishes,

ps. from 1st May I will start to work for DWD (the german weather
service/agency) on polarimetric weather radar modeling. so, RT again (or
wave optics. i'm not fully sure yet :-/ ), no ARTS but maybe making use of
the ARTS scattering database at some point, particularly when melting
particles make their way into it (or even just non-spherical raindrops).

Jana Mendrok, Ph.D. (Geoscience)

Email: jana.mend...@gmail.com
Phone : +46 (0)708 860 729

Jana Mendrok, Ph.D. (Geoscience)

Email: jana.mend...@gmail.com
Phone : +46 (0)708 860 729
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