Hi Richard,

I can agree on that this is not always critical for efficiency as long as the check is a simple comparison. But some checks are much more demanding. For example, the altitudes in z_field should be strictly increasing. If you have a large 3D atmosphere, it will be very costly to repeat this check for every single ppath calculation. And should this be checked also in other places where z_field is used? For example, if you use iyIndependentBeamApproximation you will repeat the check as also the DISORT and RT4 methods should check this, as they can be called without providing a ppath.

Further, I don't follow what strategy you propose. The discussion around planck indicated that you wanted the checks as far down as possible. But the last email seems to indicate that you also want checks higher up, e.g. before entering interpolation. I assume we don't want checks on every level. So we need to be clear about at what level the checks shall be placed. If not, everybody will be lazy and hope that a check somewhere else catches the problem.

In any case, it should be easier to provide informative error messages if problems are identified early on. That is, easier to pinpoint the reason to the problem.



On 2019-03-25 12:24, Richard Larsson wrote:
Hi Patrick,

Just some quick points.

Den sön 24 mars 2019 kl 10:29 skrev Patrick Eriksson <patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se <mailto:patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se>>:

    Hi Richard,

    A great initiative. How errors are thrown can for sure be improved. We
    are both lacking such checks (still to many cases where an assert shows
    up instead on a proper error message), and they errors are probably
    implemented inconsistently.

    When it comes to use try/catch, I leave the discussion to others.

    But I must bring up another aspect here, on what level to apply asserts
    and errors. My view is that we have decided that such basic
    functions as
    planck should only contain asserts. For efficiency reasons.

Two things.

First, Oliver tested the speeds here.  The results are random in physics_funcs.cc:

number_density (100 million calls, averaged over 5 runs):

with assert:    0.484s
with try/catch: 0.502s, 3.8% slower than assert
no checks:      0.437s, 9.8% faster than assert

dinvplanckdI (20 million calls, averaged over 5 runs):

with assert:    0.576s
with try/catch: 0.563s, 2.3% faster than assert
no checks:      0.561s, 2.7% faster than assert

but with no notable differences.  (We are not spending any of our time in these functions really, so +-10% is nothing.)  One thing that asserts do that are nicer that they are completely gone when NDEBUG is set.  We might therefore want to wrap the deeper function-calls in something that removes these errors from the compilers view.  We have the DEBUG_ONLY-environments for that, but a negative temperature is not a debug-thing.  I suggested to Oliver we introduce a flag that allows us to remove some parts or all parts of the error-checking code on the behest of the user.  I do not know what to name said flag so the code is readable.  "IGNORABLE()" in ARTS and "-DIGNORE_ERRORS=1" in cmake to set the flag that everything in the previous parenthesis is not passed to the compiler?  This could be used to generate your 'faster' code but errors would just be completely ignored; of course, users would have to be warned that any OS error or memory error could still follow...

The second point I have is that I really do not see the points of the asserts at all.  Had they allowed the compiler to make guesses, that would be somewhat nice.  But in practice, they just barely indicate what the issues are by comparing some numbers or indices before terminating a program.  They don't offer any solutions, and they should really never ever occur.  I would simply ban them from use in ARTS, switch to throws, and allow the user to tell the compiler to allow building a properly non-debug-able version of ARTS where all errors are ignored as above.

    For a pure forward model run, a negative frequency or temperature would
    come from f_grid and t_field, respectively. We decided to introduce
    special check methods, such as atmfields_checkedCalc, to e.g. catch
    negative temperatures in input.

I think it would be better if we simply removed the *_checkedCalc functions entirely (as a demand for executing code; they are still good for sanity checkups).  I think they mess up the logic of many things. Agendas that work use these outputs when they don't need them, and the methods have to manually check the input anyways because you cannot allow segfaults.  It is not the agendas that need these checks.  It is the methods calling these agendas.  And they only need to checks for ensuring they have understood what they want to do.  And even if the checked value is positive when you reach a function, you cannot say in that method if the check was for the data you have now, for data sometime long ago in the program flow, or just a bit someone set before calling the code.  So all the inputs have to be checked anyways.

For the atmfields_checkedCalc call in particular, it would make more sense to have this part of the iy-methods more than anything else. Since ppath is generated externally now (compared to when the iy-methods last had an updated error-handling), ppath needs also be checked with the fields themselves anyways or you can have segfaults in the interpolations.

    When doing OEM, negative temperatures can pop up after each iteration
    and this should be checked. But not by planck, this should happen on a
    higher level.

    A simple solution here is to include a call of atmfields_checkedCalc
    etc. in inversion_iterate_agenda. The drawback is that some data
    will be
    checked over and over again despite not being changed.

    So it could be discussed if checks should be added to the OEM part.
    data changed in an iteration, should be checked for unphysical values.

    That is, I think there are more things to discuss than you bring up in
    your email. So don't start anything big before we have reached a common
    view here.

Right, I won't.

With hope,
arts_dev.mi mailing list

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