Dear Frank Werner,

It makes me happy to hear that your are integrating ARTS into your code base. When we started ARTS, limb sounding was one of the main applications so it is very nice if ARTS gets used on limb sounders beside Odin/SMR.

Let me start by asking if you are using v2.2 or a relatively recent v2.3?

If v2.2: Then you have to create the "pnd_field" yourself and import data with e.g. ParticleTypeAdd.

If v2.3: In this version you can work with particle size distributions (PSDs). Be aware that there was a first system, that now is replaced. The later version operates with particle_bulkprop_field. With this system you can give ARTS IWC-values and select some PSDs, such as the MH97 one that both Dong Wu and I have used for limb retrievals.

In both cases, scattering data you either generate inside ARTS with T-matrix or take it from our "scattering database".

Some brief comments. If you tell me what version you actually are using, I can provide more detailed help.



On 2019-11-04 22:07, Claudia Emde wrote:
Dear Arts-Developers,

here is a question about how to include clouds in ARTS. Since I am not up-to-date, I forward this message to you.

Best regards,

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Clouds in ARTS
Date:   Mon, 4 Nov 2019 17:40:47 +0000
From:   Werner, Frank (329D) <>
To: <>

Hi Claudia,

The MLS satellite team here at JPL has recently started using ARTS, in addition to the in house radiative transfer algorithms. Michael Schwartz and I have been the two people playing around with ARTS, trying to incorporate it as another RT option in our code base. We are almost at the point where we have ARTS as another plug-and-play option for our retrievals.

One of the last remaining issues is handling of clouds. As far as I can tell, all I have to do is turn the ‘cloudbox’ on and add hydro meteors via ‘ParticleTypeAdd’. Is there a simple example for some cloud absorption you can send me? It doesn’t need to be super realistic or anything. As far as I can tell, the workspace method needs scattering properties and number densities. All I could find in the standard ARTS data sets is the Chevallier_91L stuff in ‘/controlfiles/planets/Earth/Chevallier_91L/’.

Again, a simple example of some cloud absorption would be appreciated. Thanks for your help!

Best wishes,



Frank Werner
Mail Stop 183-701, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California 91109, United States
Phone: +1 818 354-1918

Fax: +1 818 393 5065

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