Hi ARTS developers,

I hope you are all well. Since next week was supposed to be the ARTS workshop 
and I had some spare time when I was on holiday last week I decided to develop 
syntax highlighting for ARTS control files in my favourite editor, VS Code. I 
thought I'd share in case it is of use to anyone else - I believe it may also 
be possible to use it with any other editor that can use TextMate grammars. It 
can be found on GitHub (https://github.com/stuartfox/arts-control-lang ) and 
just needs to be downloaded to your .vscode/extensions directory.

The list of keywords is generated from what is available in the pyarts 
Workspace and can be updated using the supplied process_template.py script in 
the top-level folder (requires python, pyarts and jinja2).

I'm happy for this to be bundled with ARTS alongside the vim syntax 
highlighting script,

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