Hello, I've been trying to use ARTS to generate extensible data for real-time 
visualization, and I'm willing to put the compute time into creating it, 
however after studying the user guide, and the test data examples including 
some publicly available control files, I can't say with certainty that the 
preliminary outputs that I'm generating are valid, and thus I'd like to ask 
some questions.
By using ARTS with pyarts I intend to create 2 lookup tables with an idealistic 
light source, altitude, and direction to extract the true-color fractional 
intensity of said direction, and isotropic intensity.
Since scattering phenomena are essentially required for this use case, and 
since I'm aiming for accuracy with no assumptions made, I have been looking to 
represent scattering per species, or more realistically through the species 
contribute the most to each type of scattering.

What methods pertaining to receivers/sensors/antennae would create these 
What methods tools or data may already exist to model Rayleigh and Mie 
scattering accurately according to species in ARTS?
Last but not least, since I intend to calculate a lot of similar situations, 
what features within ARTS can I look into and use to speed up computation?
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