
I am currently using ARTS2.2 to do simulations of cloud in the microwave.  I 
have a question that I hope someone can help with.

I have run though the clear sky example cases, and now I am trying to do a 1D 
simulation of cloud.  I've looked at the test DOIT example, and can run that 
example, but now I want to be able to run one for my own frequency range.  As I 
understand it, I need to produce a Single Scattering xml file for the 
appropriate frequency and particle\temperature ranges.  In the Test Doit 
example it uses the file 'p30f229-231T214-225r100NP-1ar1_5ice'.  How do I 
produce a file like this?  I have run the python code demo_ssp4arts to produce 
SSP xml files, but these are not an equivalent format to that needed in 
TestDOIT and I get an xml parse error.  I can't find any information about this 
in the code\documentation.



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