Hi Ryosuke,

Unfortunately, there is currently no arts-lectures package available for ARTS 
2.4. The master branch is not compatible with any released ARTS version.

We are in the process of updating the lecture package to be compatible with the 
latest pre-release version (2.5.6) of ARTS. But note that this is a work in 
progress and currently only exercises 1, 2, 4 and 7 have been updated to work 
with that version. The develop branch of the arts-lectures package can be found 
here: https://github.com/atmtools/arts-lectures/tree/develop

The README contains links to matching catalog versions.

While the source code for ARTS 2.5.6 is available on Github[1], the easiest way 
to get up and running is to create an environment with conda, preferably from 
mambaforge/miniforge[2]. This will install a precompiled version of PyARTS and 
thus eliminating the need to compile ARTS yourself:

conda create -n pyarts -c rttools -c conda-forge python=3.10 pyarts ipympl 
jupyterlab typhon
conda activate pyarts
jupyter-lab arts-lectures/exercises/01-molecule_spectra/absorption.ipynb

Adapt the ARTS_DATA_PATH according to the locations on your system.


[1] https://github.com/atmtools/arts/releases/tag/v2.5.6
[2] https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge

> On 9 Nov 2022, at 03:38, 田村 亮祐 <tamura.ryohs...@jaxa.jp> wrote:
> Dear ARTS members
>  Nice to meet you.
> I’m Ryosuke Tamura working at Japanese Space Agency.
> Dr Y. Kasai invited me to arts mailing list.
>  Now, I want to use arts-lecture on github.
> https://github.com/atmtools/arts-lectures/blob/master/exercises/01-rotational_spectra/absorption.ipynb
>  To calculate absorption cross section, I have downloaded XML data style 
> catalog from
> https://radiativetransfer.org/misc/download/stable/2.4/.
>  Absorption_module.py program inside arts-lecture defines the data catalog 
> path as follows.
>     ws.abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(
>        basename="spectroscopy/Artscat/"
>     )
> However, the downloaded XLM data (version2.4) doesn’t have the name of 
> directory “Artscat”.
> To use the arts-lecture program, how to set basename=”” ?
>  If latest XML data catalog doesn’t have Artscat,
> I’d appreciate it if you tell me the version and its URL of the catalog which 
> has Artscat.
>  Best regards
>   ------------------------------------------------
> RYOSUKE Tamura
>   Sensor System Research Group
>   Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
>   2-1-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8505, Japan
>   tamura.ryohs...@jaxa.jp
> ------------------------------------------------

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