Dear Jiawei Zhu,

First of all, please note that there is no active development of qpack2. The primary way to make use of ARTS is today by Python.

That said, there is no automatic way to select the line data to use for a simulation, neither in qpack2 nor ARTS. The safest option is to load HITRAN or arts-cat_data for a broad frequency range surrounding your frequency of interest. But you could still need to complement this with some "continua".

If you only are interested in frequencies up to about 700 GHz, and don't care about ozone and other minor species, this setup could be sufficient:

abs_speciesSet( species=[ "N2-SelfContStandardType",
                          "H2O-PWR98" ] )



On 2022-12-18 12:47, 朱家玮 wrote:
Dear engineers in Arts:
I am Jiawei Zhu, a postgraduate student from School of Electronic Information 
in Wuhan University, China. Our research team wants to consult you about the 
usage of the software “arts” and “qpack2”:
There are some demos in the software “qpack2”, which is “Q.ABS_LINES           
= fullfile( atmlab_example_data, 'line110ghz' );”. We are not sure which is the 
right method of generating or obtaining the data in “line110ghz”. And we find 
it essential for the acquisition of brightness temperatures at different 
frequencies such as 183 GHz 633 GHz 640 GHz 658GHz.
We hope to get your reply soon, and we wish you a very happy day.
                       Jiawei Zhu

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