Hi Troy

This is really neat, it's something a number of users have asked about.

It would be be nice to incorporate your TOC generation into AsciiDoc. 
Would you have an objections if I were to incorporate your notes into 
the AsciiDoc User Guide (along with an acknowledgment of course)? I 
assume, judging by the copyright notice, that  the JavaScript code in 
the public domain.

Kind regards

Troy Hanson wrote:
> I thought this tip may be useful for others, so I'm sharing it here.
> Asciidoc normally does not insert a TOC (table of contents) into HTML 
> output. While this can be achieved using docbook-generated HTML, there 
> is an alternative, if you prefer Asciidoc's native HTML rendering.
> To see it in action, first view this example document: 
> http://tpl.sourceforge.net/userguide.html
> Notice the TOC that sits on the right-hand side. (Your browser needs to 
> have Javascript enabled, and its only been tested in Firefox and IE, so 
> hopefully it looks right on your browser). Incidentally you may also 
> notice the "top" navigational links that appear to the right of H3-level 
> headers.
> As you may have surmised, the TOC was dynamically generated by some 
> Javascript. The styling of the TOC was done via CSS. To use this 
> technique, I added this line into my Asciidoc text document where I 
> wanted the TOC to appear:
> include::toc.txt[]
> I have pasted the content of toc.txt later in this email. (Thanks to 
> Mihai Bazon, for the dynamic TOC code, which I have modified somewhat.)
> To style the TOC and the "top" links, I appended some custom CSS, shown 
> at this end of the email, to the default stylesheet in 
> asciidoc/stylesheets/xhtml11.css. (Actually, I copied xhtml11.css and 
> xhtml11-quirks.css to new files tdh.css and tdh-quirks.css, 
> respectively, and then added the CSS to tdh.css.)
> Then I ran Asciidoc using the command:
>  asciidoc --unsafe --out-file=html/userguide.html -a linkcss=1 -a 
> theme=tdh txt/userguide.txt
> The resulting HTML document contains links to the external stylesheets, 
> so I had to upload tdh.css and tdh-quirks.css to the webserver along 
> with the HTML document.
> A couple of notes: I chose to derive the TOC from only the H2 and H3 
> headers. And the "top" link accompanies H3 headers. These are hardcoded 
> into the Javascript (while not elegant code, it does the job). Also, my 
> version of asciidoc is 7.x so I don't know if any changes are needed 
> with newer versions. Lastly, I want to point out that I'm not an expert 
> in the finer details of Asciidoc so, while my approach works, perhaps 
> there is a simpler technique.
> -------
> First, below this line is the content of "toc.txt". It ends at the 
> "endif" line:
> ifdef::backend-xhtml11[]
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> <div id="toc"></div>
> <script>
> window.onload=generate_TOC
> /* Author: Mihai Bazon, September 2002
>  * http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo
>  *
>  * Table Of Content generator
>  * Version: 0.4
>  *
>  * Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU General Public
>  * License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
>  */
>  /* modified by Troy D. Hanson, September 2006. License: GPL */
> function H_getText(el) {
>   var text = "";
>   for (var i = el.firstChild; i != null; i = i.nextSibling) {
>     if (i.nodeType == 3 /* Node.TEXT_NODE, IE doesn't speak constants */)
>       text += i.data;
>     else if (i.firstChild != null)
>       text += H_getText(i);
>   }
>   return text;
> }
> function TOC_EL(el, text, level) {
>   this.element = el;
>   this.text = text;
>   this.level = level;
> }
> function getHeadlines(el) {
>   var l = new Array;
>   var rx = /[hH]([2-3])/;
>   // internal recursive function that scans the DOM tree
>   var rec = function (el) {
>     for (var i = el.firstChild; i != null; i = i.nextSibling) {
>       if (i.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */) {
>         if (rx.exec(i.tagName))
>           l[l.length] = new TOC_EL(i, H_getText(i), parseInt(RegExp.$1));
>         rec(i);
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   rec(el);
>   return l;
> }
> function generate_TOC() {
>   var parent = document.getElementById("toc");
>   var toc_hdr = document.createElement("div");
>   var toc_hdr_txt = document.createTextNode("CONTENTS");
>   toc_hdr.appendChild(toc_hdr_txt);
>   /* toc_hdr.setAttribute("id","hdr"); */
>   toc_hdr.id = "hdr";
>   parent.appendChild(toc_hdr);
>   var hs = getHeadlines(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]);
>   for (var i = 0; i < hs.length; ++i) {
>     var hi = hs[i];
>     var d = document.createElement("div");
>     if (hi.element.id == "") hi.element.id = "gen" + i;
>     var a = document.createElement("a");
>     a.href = "#" + hi.element.id;
>     a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(hi.text));
>     d.appendChild(a);
>     d.className = "level" + hi.level;
>     parent.appendChild(d);
>     if (hi.level == 3) {
>         var dvtop = document.createElement("div");
>         dvtop.className = "toplink";
>         dvtop.appendChild(document.createTextNode("^top^"));
>         dvtop.onclick=function(){scrollTo(0,0);};
>         hi.element.appendChild(dvtop);
>     }
>   }
> }
> </script>
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> endif::backend-xhtml11[]
> Lastly, here is the custom CSS styling that I added to "tdh.css":
> #toc {
>   float: right;
>   font-family: sans-serif; 
>   border: 1px solid #000;
>   margin: 0px 0px 20px 20px;
>   padding: 0px;
>   background: #f0f0f0;
>   font-size: 80%;
> }
> #toc #hdr {
>   color:#ffffff;
>   background:#98b1c4;
>   text-align:center;
>   margin-bottom:5px;
> }
> #toc a:visited, #toc a:link { color:#000; text-decoration: none }
> #toc a:hover { color:#00f; text-decoration: underline; }
> #toc .level2 { margin-left: 1em; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; 
> text-decoration: underline; }
> #toc .level3 { margin-left: 2em; font-size: 0.8em }
> .toplink {
>     float: right;
>     font-size: 50%;
>     cursor: pointer;
> }
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