> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Rackham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 12:00 AM
> To: ROGGERI Bruno
> Cc: asciidoc-discuss@metaperl.com
> Subject: Re: [asciidoc-discuss] relative links and images in chunked
> Hi Bruno
> ROGGERI Bruno wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a rather long document typed in asciidoc, and it contains
quite a
> > large number of images (inserted with the image macro).
> >
> > All the images are in the same directory as the text file, and
> > generate single page html and pdf directly in the directory.
> >
> > But when I generate chunked html (with a2x -f chunked ...), all the
> > generated html pages end-up in the <filename>.chunked sub-directory,
> > which means all the links to the images are broken.
> >
> > Could asciidoc automatically insert "../"  in front of all relative
> > paths when generating chunked html ? Or is it possible to make
> > generate the chunked html directly inside the destination directory
> > instead of appending <filename>.chunked?
> Put a custom attribute reference defining the image directory location
> in all your image macros calls, for example:
> image::{images_dir=.}/myimage.png[]
> This sets the default location to the current directory (asciidoc's
> default behavior), you pass asciidoc the images_dir attribute to set
> to something else, for example:
> $ a2x -f chunked --asciidoc-opts="-a images_dir=.." mydocument.txt
> To make this a bit easier I think I'll add an imagesdir intrinsic
> attribute to the next release (like iconsdir but applies to images).

Great, thank you !


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