Yang wrote:
> On 10/25/06, Stuart Rackham srackham-at-methods.co.nz |asciidoc|
> <...> wrote:
>> Hi Yang
>> Yang wrote:
>>> Hi, I'd like to share some ideas for enhancement to the author, with a
>>> focus on improving the source readability:
>>> - List continuations. Instead of +, asciidoc can treat subsequent
>>>   paragraphs of the same indentation level as continuations (and only
>>>   incrementally indented paragraphs as literal paragraphs).
>>>   Like this! (AKA the off-side rule.)
>>>     $ some literal text
>>>     $ some more literal text
>>>   Here's some more normal text.
>> Yes, that does make sense. When I designed the list syntax I
>> deliberately steered clear of relying on indentation as a nesting
>> mechanism -- partly because I think it's to fussy to enter and partly
>> because it just seemed harder. This is not something that can't be
>> implemented via configuration files alone. Whether or not indentations
>> would introduce regression problems is another thing.
> How would I go about implementing this via configuration files? At
> least some starting points (in terms of what variables to look at)
> would be good. BTW are there any tutorials or sets of examples on
> configuring AsciiDoc? A quick search turned up nothing. (The user
> guide sections on configuration seem to serve better as a reference.)

As I mention previously this is not something that can't be
implemented via configuration files alone, you need to dig into the 
source (the List class is a good place to start).

> While it may be marginally fussier to have indentation in the source
> (I don't think it is), it certainly makes things more readable. So
> this leads me to my next question: is source readability a primary
> goal of AsciiDoc? (If not...well, you've inadvertently done a terrific
> job of keeping it readable, at least much more so than ReST.)
>>> - URL links. Instead of the somewhat unreadable http://blah/[syntax]
>>>   currently available, here are some suggestions (mostly my own ideas,
>>>   though I recall liking Markdown's syntax quite a bit):
>>>   - Adopt the near-universal <http://angle-bracket-syntax/> for simple
>>>     URLs that aren't masked with display text.
>>>   - Simply enclose [the link] in brackets, a la wiki markup, then look
>>>     for resolutions in the form of foot- or end-notes (example below).
>>>     IMO, brackets are primarily seen in listing text (code) or
>>>     `monospaced font` (which IMO should be treated as listings, so
>>>     things like `this --and --that` don't screw us over) or
>>>     "[sometimes] quoted text," but in case someone thinks of a
>>>     significant counterexample, the next-best thing is [[double
>>>     brackets]].
>>>     [the link] <news://my-link/>
>>>   - [In-line masked links] <http://like-this-one/> can look better.
>>>     Downsides to the current asciidoc syntax include: (1) the URL
>>>     precedes the link text, (2) the link text is parenthesized, when
>>>     it should be the main focus, and (3) ugliness - no spacing between
>>>     the URL and the text.
>>>   - Bibliography [taoup] and [cross-referencing] <blockid> syntax
>>>     could also look similar. Also, it doesn't make much sense to
>>>     distinguish <<xref,cross references>> from http://blah[external
>>>     references].
>>>     [blockid]
>>>     Although the above proposals share a lot of the same syntax, it is
>>>     often clear from (non-local) context how things should be dealt
>>>     with.
>>> - Even if you don't agree with the above as the default, even the
>>>   ability to configure things to behave as above would be awesome.
>> I guess, in this case at least, beauty is in the eye of the beholder :-)
>> It always surprises me how, if you use them enough, weird syntaxes grow
>> on you to the point that you think they're perfectly normal. Though I do
>> concede that this can be a problem if you're having to chop and change
>> between apps that use different syntaxes for the the same semantics. If
>> it really bugs you the alternative syntaxes should be achievable by
>> editing the appropriate configuration file macros (just be careful to
>> refer to special character <> by their entity values).
> Again, any pointers here would be much appreciated. (The more details,
> the better, of course.)

There's information in the AsciiDoc User Guide and the best examples are 
the actual AsciiDoc .conf files.

>>> - Developers' documentation, to make it easier for others to
>>>   understand (from a big-picture perspective) how the code is
>>>   organized, such that we might be able to contribute more efficiently
>>>   to the project.
>> AsciiDoc is a small fairly straight-forward program (just a 4000 line
>> Python script), and while I agree that a nice overview will, well, give
>> you nice overview and maybe a leg up the learning curve, if you want to
>> modify the source code there's no substitute for a working knowledge of
>> the application and just reading the source code. While I've found that
>> it's always a psychological hurdle to open up someone else source, you
>> very quickly get a much better understanding of how things are put together.
> Hmm, you're right - it's not big at all (I didn't even bother sizing
> it up before). However, given your claim that the above requests can
> all be directly implemented via configuration files, modifying the
> engine seems unnecessary.
> Thanks,
> Yang
>>> The above things are really the bane of my daily use of the otherwise
>>> brilliant asciidoc. How much of the above can already be addressed
>>> (via configs, etc.)? How much work would the rest be to implement?
>>> Eager to hear your thoughts!
>> Most open source projects are written to fulfill the author's personal
>> needs, AsciiDoc is no exception. I usually add features because I need
>> them (thankfully my needs are sufficiently general to make AsciiDoc
>> useful to others). I'm also constrained by the amount of time I can
>> devote to AsciiDoc.
>> Having said that I'm always happy, given the time, to apply submitted
>> patches (provided they add something genuinely new, are widely
>> applicable, fit in nicely with the rest of the application, and don't
>> cause regression problems). The experimental LaTeX front-end developed
>> by Benjamin Klum is a recent example.
>> I'm also happy to accept patches and erratum for the documentation plus
>> any additional pages or links for the website.
>>> Yang
>>> + [taoup] The Art Of UNIX Programming. Blah Blah.
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>> Cheers, Stuart
>> --
>> Stuart Rackham
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Cheers, Stuart
Stuart Rackham

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