
I upgraded ECL this morning to the latest repo version and I cannot use
it anymore with my usual setup (-norc works). My local versions of
Quicklisp and ASDF are also the lastest.  I have this in my init file:

;; Do ASDF first (when a compiler provides it directly, I think it is better
;; to use its version than mine).
(require :asdf
         #-(or sbcl cmu ccl ecl mkcl xcl allegro
               (and lispworks (not lispworks-personal-edition)))

(let ((quicklisp-init
  (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
    (load quicklisp-init)))

With this configuration, running ECL on the command-line gives me this:

didier(pts/4)% ecl                                         Err 1 11:27 06/24/13
;;; Loading #P"/home/didier/.clrc"
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/asdf.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/cmp.fas"
;;; Loading "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/source/quicklisp/setup.lisp"
ASDF could not load sockets because Error while trying to load definition for 
system sockets from pathname /usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/sockets.asd: No 
applicable method for SOURCE-FILE-TYPE with arguments of types
;;; Error:
;;;   in file impl.lisp, position 7644
;;;   * The form (REQUIRE 'SOCKETS) was not evaluated successfully.
;;; Error detected:
;;; Error while trying to load definition for system sockets from pathname 
/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/sockets.asd: No applicable method for 
ASDF:SOURCE-FILE-TYPE with arguments of types
;;;  PREBUILT-SYSTEMAn error occurred during initialization:
Error while invoking #<compile-op (:VERBOSE NIL) 0b0e79a8> on
#<cl-source-file "quicklisp" "impl">.
zsh: exit 1     ecl

I see that ELC's version of ASDF is old, so I tried to load ASDF 3 by
removing 'ecl from the #-() form above. Now I get this instead:

didier(pts/4)% ecl                                         Err 1 11:27 06/24/13
;;; Loading #P"/home/didier/.clrc"
;;; Loading "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/source/asdf/build/asdf.lisp"
An error occurred during initialization:
Cannot delete the directory 
C library explanation: No such file or directory..
zsh: exit 1     ecl

Any advice ?


Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.

Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info

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