Hey everybody,

I've made some more progress with a Maxima extension for ASDF
(attached). At this point it works pretty much as expected, for the
simple examples I've tried. I think you should be able to use in
Maxima like this: load("maxima_asdf.lisp"); asdf_load("foo"); to load
foo.asd, which may contain :maxima-file components. asdf_load
translates :maxima-files and compiles the resulting Lisp, while
asdf_load_source just interprets the :maxima-files.

At this point the only thing I wish I could change (and this is a
minor item) is that output file paths are something like
I'm constructing the <maxima-version>/... part of it. I wonder if it's
possible to tell ASDF it doesn't need to put in the
<path-to-source-file> part.

Thanks for your help, and if you have any comments, I would be
interested to hear about it.


Robert Dodier

Attachment: maxima_asdf.lisp
Description: Binary data

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