> On 23 Jan 2018, at 12:00, Jim Newton <jnew...@lrde.epita.fr> wrote:
> If I run several sbcl processes on different nodes in my compute cluster, it 
> might happen that two different runs notice the same file needs to be 
> recompiled (via asdf),
> and they might try to compile it at the same time.  What is the best way to 
> prevent this?
> I see in the asdf documentation that there is an asdf:*user-cache* variable 
> whose
> value is the path name of the directory where asdf compiles into.    Would it 
> be advisable for my to arrange so that asdf:*user-cache* is a function of the 
> pid and hostname and perhaps thread-id (if such a thing exists) to avoid such 
> collisions?
> Or is there some better way to handle this which is build into asdf?

I had requested that ASDF includes the hostname (or machine-instance), in the 
built path for the cache.
Unfortunately, for some reason, the maintainers of ASDF thought it was a good 
read to remove it.
There you are!

__Pascal J. Bourguignon__

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