I have an AspectJ trace routine set up to log method entry and exit conditions using the following pointcuts:

    public aspect Trace {
pointcut anyMethodExecuted(): execution (* biz.ianw.lanchecker.*.*(..)) && !within(Trace); // && !within( is(AnonymousType) ); pointcut anyConstructorExecuted(): execution (biz.ianw.lanchecker.*.new(..)) && !within(Trace);

In my email class I have a method which calls the setDebugOut method to redirect the debug output to a LogOutputStream:

final private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MailMail.class);
    LogOutputStream losStdOut = new LogOutputStream() {
        protected void processLine(String line, int level) {

    public void sendPlainHtmlMessage(...) {
        Session session = javaMailSender.getSession();
        PrintStream printStreamLOS = new PrintStream(losStdOut);

This works fine, except that the Trace class pointcut intercepts the call to, presumably, the anonymous inner class, producing as output:

20:14:18.908 TRACE [biz.ianw.lanchecker.Trace] - Enters method: Logger biz.ianw.lanchecker.MailMail.access$0() 20:14:18.909 TRACE [biz.ianw.lanchecker.Trace] - Exits method: Logger biz.ianw.lanchecker.MailMail.access$0(). 20:14:18.909 TRACE [biz.ianw.lanchecker.Trace] - with return value: Logger[biz.ianw.lanchecker.MailMail] 20:14:18.909 DEBUG [biz.ianw.lanchecker.MailMail] - DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Oracle]

I added the rather overly broad

    && !within( is(AnonymousType) )

condition to the pointcut, as shown above, but it had no effect. In fact I'm having real difficulty finding is(AnonymousType) documented anywhere.

How can I write a pointcut that excludes this anonymous inner method, preferably without impacting any others I may wish to log in future?


(Originally posted this 5 days ago on SO, but haven't had any replies)

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