
I understand, and I really do, you mean well and are eager to help, but I would like to stop the discussion here as I myself am looking for the answers to many questions, and we don't have all the answers, except for the answer to the question that, no, it was not a white man, but some one from India. Surprised? I bet you are! but please, keep the astonishment to yourself for now.

As I said, I had to write the rebuttal as the report in India Abroad had some factual errors.

At this time, we are consumed in thinking about Nitin and yes, would definitely try to make sure that justice is going to be served. As and when needed we will definitely contact our community for support.

Thank you again for your support and the best wishes, as always.

- A. Sarangapani

Houston, Texas. USA.


From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: [Assam] Article on Nitin's death in India Abroad
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 23:16:16 +0100 (BST)

This is really disturbing news. When the man in question is identifiable why hasn't he been arrested - I think that would have been the case even in India -however important and well known that person might be. I wish the Indian community in Houston would put some pressure on the authorities to take action - I am assuming that the shooter is a white man.
My sympathy and support are always there as is that of all AssamNet members. I hope some influential ones would do something about it.

"Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you for your concern, Umesh-ji.

I had requested Jukti to send me a copy of the article and he did. Thank you Jukti.

Here are some clarifications:

So far, Ram and I have never spoken to any media people about this. Upon reading the article, I find that there are some pieces missing in the story. First of all, at this point of time we know that the detectives are doing a thorough investigation.

The story does not say that Nitin went to the home of a friend and that Nitin had been to their house before and knew them well. This was not a stranger's home. Nitin had just dropped off that friend (girl) at her home and then supposedly after some phone conversation between the girl's father and Nitin, he had gone back again to their house. And as far as we understand, then he was fatally shot by the father - outside the home - about more than 30 feet away from the front door, near the street. Of course, Nitin was totally unarmed. He did not even have a stick in his hands.

Nitin was a regular all-American kid and was just celebrating his birthday in another friend's home. We feel that this murder was totally unwarranted and unnecessary.

His Marine unit was expected to help out the Rita hurricane victims that week. He called earlier and told me that he might have to drop the courses for the semester as he would have been deployed with the homeland security through the Marine Corps.

I had to write this to clarify, as the 'India Abroad' story might give the impression that Nitin just went to some unknown person's house, which is totally untrue.

As I mentioned, we understand that the detectives are doing what they are supposed to be doing and at this time, we have the  hope and confidence in their process. There is still a long way to go.

And the investigation is still on and nothing is over yet, except for the stark reality that we lost our only child who had an extremely bright future ahead of him, and that NOTHING WILL BRING MY SON BACK.

BTW, once again we are thankful for all the moral support that we are getting from the community.

- A. Sarangapani

Houston, Texas. USA.


From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kalita, Jukti (GPC.Marketing.Princeton)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [Assam] Article on Nitin's death in India Abroad
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 02:35:39 +0100 (BST)

Strange that when the police have the details why noone is caught -- is it someone influential? I wonder why we should keep quiet about it when Ram-da and Alpanaji are also worrying about it.

"Kalita, Jukti (GPC.Marketing.Princeton)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is a half-page article in this week's issue of India Abroad on
circumstances surrounding Nitin's death - we received the paper
yesterday. In the article Sarangapani family laments that no arrests
have been made yet although police has details of what really happened.
It also carries a great picture of Nitin.

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