Hi Mohan:

 >If the two hoots can bring some boys back home and bring them to the
mainstream of life. I do not mind being ridiculed....

*** I wouldn't either. However, what are the chances ? I would think offering of a puja at an important temple will hold a higher potential :-). That is the point I was trying to drive home; the ineffectiveness or more precisely the absence of realism in the various posts by netters who could expected to be far more result oriented than their proposals indicate. I don't devalue your good-will. That is all very good. But good-will or good-wishes sans realism will do little to cure that 'mohamari' that you all have been railing against.

 >You have been prolifically writing hate words towards India.

*** I think you are misusing the English language here Mohan. Will you be able to point out WHICH words in my posts you can consider "HATE WORDS" against India, or for that matter against anybody else; people, state, culture or religion?

Yes, I do write a lot of critical things about India. But that is different from "HATE". And if you find those criticisms untrue, unfair or otherwise unwarranted, then all you need to demolish them, putting me in my place, is to point them out. Rebut. Refute. It is good for you to try that. Because you will need to do your homework to do so, and in the process will become more informed.

I know you are a well-meaning person. I will never take offense with such rebuttals or showing netters how or why I am wrong. It will actually be a PLEASURE to see someone doing that CREDIBLY and EFFECTIVELY . Would demonstrate a sincerity of purpose and instill pride in my fellowmen's abilities.

I do not have a islamic paranoia. I have both Pakistani and Bangladeshi
friends. I would any day like a free and  open trade between these
countries and a open border.

*** Who would not? Even Narendra Modi would love to do that :-). But that does not prove or disprove anything.

Remember, I did not say Pakistani's or Bangladeshi's. I specifically said
ISI....This is a militant organization with extreme hate towards India.
Ido not support any form of violence or extremism.

*** I would not badger you on this, only because I know you mean well. But I also know very well where the ISI-paranoia amongst desis spring from. It has everything do with deeply-rooted Hindu /Muslim bigotries and animus so pervasive in north, central, west and south India, translated to ownership pretenses of Kashmir, never mind what the Kashmiris who call it home want, leading to the Pakistan/India conflicts that gave rise to ISI and Jihad and has escalated into today's Islamic and Hindu militancy.

Assam and the contiguous states and Bengal , barring the Hindu Siletis displaced from today's B'desh, have been relatively free of that debilitating desi condition. Only in recent years, thanks to Hindian influences, compounded by the GoI propaganda to discredit ULFA, has this ISI paranoia begun to take root in Assam. It is in the exact same vein as that of the CIA paranoia during the cold-war. Only now we have begun to learn how overblown it was.

I don't dispute the fact of ISI's dirty record. So is RAW's. But ISI cannot be THAT powerful. ISI today is the code-word for demonizing everything associated with Islam. And its cultivated fear is an essential GLUE to hold the tattered bonds of Indian nationalism together.

 >This is what ULFA has done for Assam. The rest of the country has grown in
leaps and bounds. But Assam is still miles behind. Its growth fettered by
this cankerous grwoth called ULFA.

*** That argument is another propaganda designed by Indians and Indian apologist Oxomiyas. How will you answer to the question of Assam's condition BEFORE ULFA happened? Why was it so?

Can you tell me, with a straight face that if ULFA disappeared today, tomorrow Assam's prosperity will take off the ground ? That its problems will disappear like a bad dream? Think about that Mohan.

 >How come in this net only you speak for the ULFA, as if you can read their
minds and speak on their behalf?

*** First off, I don't speak FOR ULFA. Nor am I a mind-reader, ULFA's or others'. But I am informed. And my information is not based on Indian propaganda or Assam establishment's propaganda.

It used to be that I too thought and spoke like you guys regarding ULFA at one time. But pretty soon I began to see, right here thru Assamnet what has been going on . And I dug deeper. More I sought, more I found. And thus my entire outlook changed to where it is today.

That is why I wrote to Dilip Deka yesterday that people can and do change. It all depends on one's desire to seek the truths. One can take the position that he knows all he needs to know and remain there. Or can take the analytical approach and go wherever it may lead to. Choice is ours.

It so happens, I had taken the latter path all my life. I have never been afraid to walk alone if needed. My parents taught us that with their own examples, as did my older siblings. And it has served me well.

 >I only speak with pain that, here are a bunch of misguided people who
think they are carrying the fate of the Assam on their shoulders. They
have lost the support from the local people and now they are holed up in a
foreign country and bacame puppets in the hands of yet another foreign and
 evil power (ISI).

*** Misguided is in the eye of the beholder. Misguided people also cannot see what has been going on in Assam . But being beneficiaries of the status quo, they seem to thing that is the best thing for the rest as well.

You say ULFA LOST the support of local people. Are you suggesting they HAD support before? If they did WHY was it? And what happened that caused them to withdraw that support?

I hope you will answer those questions. Because it will educate us all. Seriously!

Again , 'foreign' and 'evil' are words to fit ones propaganda needs and to devalue the humanity of others. When you speak of ISI's evil, you don't speak of RAW's evil, as if it does not exist, or cannot exist. Why Mohan? Where is your 'fair and balanced' outlook here?

And the other question is WHY did you guys DRIVE your brethren whom you once supported in their effort to do right by Assam, to the lap of EVIL? Was that a brotherly thing to do :-)?

Take care.


At 9:20 PM -0400 5/16/07, Mohan R. Palleti wrote:

 At 2:15 PM -0400 5/16/07, Mohan R. Palleti wrote:
UlFA has become a cankerous growth fuelled by a foreign virus. This
must stop!

 *** Let us agree, for argument's sake, that it is so. The question
 then will be how to CURE that cancer. How does one STOP it?

  >They should be given the opportunity to get out of it. Let them
come home, put down their guns and help in rebuilding Assam. This way
will be remembered as heroes.

 *** Is this a wish or is it a plan? Surely I have seen innumerable
 attempts at WISHING ULFA away. But I don't believe anything has come
 out of it so far. So why should anyone give two hoots to what Mohan
 wishes, or for that matter what *I* wish?

If the two hoots can bring some boys back home and bring them to the
mainstream of life. I do not mind being ridiculed....

  >Mixing up with the ISI will never bring any
respect to them. No Assamese worth their salt will ever forgive them for

 *** We all like to think we represent all of us think alike.
 Unfortunately that is a delusion. ISI maybe the Devil incarnate to
 those Indians who live under the delusion  that Kashmir is their
 'poitrik xompotty' ( ancestral property) , never mind what the people
 who inhabit the ground want. But those who do not believe that, may
 very well not be moved by that connection, unless they too are
 harmed by ISI in some way. But most of all, if ISI is all that
 powerful and India is that impotent, in spite of its size, in spite
 of its wealth, in spite of its vaunted 'demokrasy', in spite of its
 how-many-thousand-years-old (?) civilization; then who needs such a
 paper tiger?

You have been prolifically writing hate words towards India.

 Large segments of Assam, mercifully, is not that driven by
 anti-Islamic paranoia that many otherwise able and intelligent
 Indians are.

I do not have a islamic paranoia. I have both Pakistani and Bangladeshi
friends. I would any day like a free and  open trade between these
countries and a open border.

Remember, I did not say Pakistani's or Bangladeshi's. I specifically said
ISI....This is a militant organization with extreme hate towards India. I
do not support any form of violence or extremism.

There is a good shift in the number of youth who have come out of
Assam to >take the opportunity of growth.

 *** That is nice. But anyone who can do some ordinary arithmetic and
 has a rudimentary knowledge of the geography of the region knows that
 the percentage of those who are participating in that 'growth', is
 minuscule. There are vast numbers of youth in the hinterland unseen
 by the geographically challenged urban
 'haves' whose world view is defined by their own limited exposures
 and knowledge. That is another tragedy.

This is what ULFA has done for Assam. The rest of the country has grown in
leaps and bounds. But Assam is still miles behind. Its growth fettered by
this cankerous grwoth called ULFA.

How come in this net only you speak for the ULFA, as if you can read their
minds and speak on their behalf?

I only speak with pain that, here are a bunch of misguided people who
think they are carrying the fate of the Assam on their shoulders. They
have lost the support from the local people and now they are holed up in a
foreign country and bacame puppets in the hands of yet another foreign and
 evil power (ISI).

Nobody wants more bloodshed in the state. Nor does anyone want all the
ULFA to be picked and shot. They are our boys! They have made some
mistakes. They should be given the opportunity to get out of it. Let them
come home, put down their guns and help in rebuilding Assam. This way
will be remembered as heroes. Mixing up with the ISI will never bring any
respect to them. No Assamese worth their salt will ever forgive them for

Now is the time for economic growth. While the rest of the country is
growing up, we are still worrying about whose tooth and whose nail. There
is a good shift in the number of youth who have come out of Assam to take
the opportunity of growth. But there is whole generation of misguided
youth for whom I feel sorry about.They have stepped back in their life,
living the life of a nowhere man with a nowhere plan in a foreign land.
What more worse can this be?

Mohan Rao Palleti

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