City to join global campaign against poverty on Oct 17By A City Correspondent 
GUWAHATI, Oct 4 – Students of Guwahati will take part in a worldwide campaign 
against poverty to be jointly launched by The Art of Living and United Nations 
Millennium Campaign (UNMC) on October 17.The joint effort is aimed at 
eradicating poverty and inching towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 
set by the United Nations. The MDGs include achieving universal primary 
education, promotion of gender equality and empowering women, reducing child 
mortality, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other 
diseases, ensuring sustainability and developing a global partnership for 
development.Art of Living’s North East coordinator Pinki Hazarika said that 
along with the rest of the world, the students of the city will take the pledge 
to eradicate poverty by standing up for two minutes.The ‘Stand Up’ campaign 
would seek to mobilise public opinion to support the UNMC’s initiative to 
achieve a poverty-free world by 2015. The Art of Living has taken the lead to 
mobilise over four million people across the globe to support the vision to 
defeat poverty.The Art of Living is going to organize several public events in 
over 100 countries for people from all walks of life to take the pledge. The 
‘Stand Up’ events would be held all over the world, from the busiest square in 
the world, New York’s Times Square to the smallest school in the tsunami-struck 
Ache province in Indonesia. The events would be in different forms such as 
simple public gatherings, music concerts, group dances, rallies, carnivals, 
street theatres and satsangs. The idea behind the ‘Stand Up’ campaign is to 
remind the world leaders of their promise of achieving the MDGs and urge them 
to show the necessary political will. The rich countries would be enjoined to 
provide more aid, cancel debts and practice fair trade, whereas the poor 
countries would be requested to save the lives of the poorest citizens and 
achieve real transparency and accountability in utilization of resources.“In 
the North East we are mainly targeting the schools,” said Pinki. Schools with 
more than 500 students in the city are being approached for the forthcoming 
programme.The Art of Living, North East has requested the people of the region 
to come forward and make the world a more beautiful place to live.The ensuing 
event is a follow-up to an alliance finalised in May 2007 between the Art of 
Living and UNMC.


“In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and humble 
like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana
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